Expert answer:The purpose of this exercise is to critically examine and evaluate empirical research in political
science, recognizing the possibility for multiple results, and draw independent conclusions.Please read the following instructions carefully, and make sure you understand them, before you begin on the
This assignment is due 9/20/2017, at the beginning of the class. Make sure your computer and printer are in
working conditions.
Review the policies enunciated in the syllabus, and especially the instructions regarding the assignments and my
expectations on written works. For those that seek to benefit from the help of the Writing Center, start your
work earlier.
Your paper should be typed, double-spaced for text, with all sources documented, and all tables or diagrams
clearly labeled and identified throughout the text. The suggested length is five pages.
Grading criteria: Admittedly grading in Political Science can seldom be absolutely objective. But I will grade
your assignments roughly according to the following criteria. You will receive a letter grade, a score, and
comments on your paper.
Substance (50%): satisfactory answers to all questions asked, evidence of command of literature, additional
research (if any), and ability to summarize, categorize, compare, contrast, and draw meaningful conclusions.
Presentation effectiveness (30%): good organization of the paper, logical coherence, creativity, technical
precision, statistical and/or graphical aids.
Writing (20%): clarity, economy, and style.
Read the following articles (all at Cabell Library via electronic resources): 1. Forum on Departmental Rankings: Much Ado About Something? PS: Political Science
and Politics XXIX(2)(June 1996): 141-167
Arthur H. Miller, Charles Tien, and Andrew Peeler, “Department Rankings: An
Alternative Approach,” PS: Political Science & Politics XXIX(4)(December 1996): 704-
Michael J. Ballard and Neil J. Mitchell, “The Good, the Better, and the Best in Political
Science,” PS: Political Science & Politics XXXI(4)(December 1998): 826-835
Write a paper to answer the following questions. Be sure you explain how you draw your
inference from these studies and provide evidence to support the inference. Construct a table to
summarize the most important information.
What is the research question? Why is that important?
How do the researchers study the phenomena that interest them?
What are the competing hypotheses (models) for answering the question?
What are the similarities and differences in concepts or variables?
What are the similarities and differences in the sources?
Which ranking is the best or most plausible? Why? Do you have an alternative – or better –
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Ranking Research Doctorate Programs in Political Science
Source: PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Jun., 1996), pp. 144-148
Published by: American Political Science Association
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Accessed: 06-12-2017 23:00 UTC
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Departmental Rankings:
Much Ado About Something?
Ranking Research Doctorate Programs in Political Science
The National Research Council
common to both assessments. This
National Academy Press, 2101
released its long awaited report, is true even for many fields in theConstitution Avenue NW, Lockbox
behavioral and social sciences and
285, Washington, D.C. 20055 for
Research-Doctorate Programs In
$54.95 per copy.
The United States, Continuity and arts and humanities where the
Change, on September 12, 1995.
number of graduate programs has
This is an extensive, comprehen- declined. Programs have expanded
sive, and systematic assessment of despite the fact that it is taking Relative Rankings of
the quality, effectiveness (in train- longer to earn a doctorate at al- Research-Doctorate Programs
ing scholars), faculty productivity, most every institution in almost
Along Selected Dimensions
and Ph.D. production of over 3,600every field, while on average, the
In the tables that follow, programs
doctoral programs in 41 disciplinestime is greatest for lower-rated
in each field have been ranked by
at 274 universities. The study offers
the mean rating of the “scholarly
a rich array of objective and subThe report also examines minorquality of program faculty” on the
jective data for use by policymak- ity representation in graduate pro1993 NRC National Survey of
ers, academic administrators, fac- grams. In many fields, women and
Graduate Faculty. The ranking
ulty, and prospective graduate
minorities are still underrepre- numbers for the measures used in
students. The data are presented sented among those receiving docthese appendix tables were calcuand analyzed in many different
torates. However, despite their unlated by taking an average of the
ways in categories of disciplines, derrepresentation, they are as
rank order of the program. For exoften with comparisons to the Re- likely to graduate from highly rated
ample, if a program has the 10th
search Council’s 1982 assessment
programs as nonminority males.
highest value for a measure and is
of graduate programs. Nonethe- For the approximately 5,800 minorthe only program with that value, it
less, as the editors of Research- ity doctorates between 1986 and
is given a ranking of 10. However,
Doctorate Programs emphasized in
1992, 40% came from programs in
if four programs have the 10th
their public briefing, there are conthe top quarter, and 25%, 17.5%,
highest value for the measure, then
siderable opportunities for more and 17.5% were conferred by proanalysis.
grams in the second, third, and the average of the 10th, 11th, 12th,
and 13th positions which they ocAmong the findings, the report
fourth quarters, respectively.
cupy is calculated and each is given
concluded that programs included
To provide APSA members with
a ranking of 11.5.
in the 1982 study tended to have a
access to data ranking political sciTo show the relationship of those
similar rating 10 years later.
ence doctoral programs, a key tarankings to rankings in other doNearly 70% of the programs rated
ble from this report is reproduced
mains, ratings/measures are proin a quarter in 1982 remained in
in this issue, showing the first 60
vided first and the values given in
institutions listed in the table.
that quarter in 1993, and only 1%
parentheses. Where information is
of the programs moved up or down
An electronic file of selected taavailable, ratings from the 1982
by more than one quarter. It also
bles is available for further analysis
study have been rank ordered.
on the Research Council’s World
indicated that graduate education
in the United States and the docWide Web home page at . In addition, a CDticipating in the 1993 NRC Study.
increased substantially in recent ROM that will include more de93Q: Rank order of “scholarly
years. The number of Ph.D.-grant-tailed program-level data is being quality of program faculty”
trimmed means for 1993 NRC
ing institutions has gone from 325developed and will be distributed
in 1980 to 364 in 1992, and the
for public use.
Study. (Average score on a scale
number of doctorates awarded has
The following is reprinted with
of 0 to 5 with 5 representing
increased from 31,020 in 1980 to
permission from Research-Doctor- “Distinguished.”) Source: NRC
39,754 in 1993. Not surprisingly,
ate Programs in the United States, National Survey of Graduate
then, the number of program faccopyright 1995 by the National
ulty has, on average, increased
Academy of Sciences. The com93E: Rank order of “program efsince the 1982 study in every field
plete volume is available from the fectiveness in educating research
This content downloaded from on Wed, 06 Dec 2017 23:00:14 UTC
All use subject to
Ranking Research Doctorate Programs in Political Science
scholars and scientists” trimmed
means for the 1993 NRC Study.
(Average score on a scale of 0 to
5 with 5 representing “Extremely
Effective.”) Source: NRC National Survey of Graduate Faculty.
% D: Rank order of “Distin-
trimmed means by faculty from
institutions with top-rated pro-
grams in their corresponding
fields in the 1993 NRC Study.
(Average of “program effective-
ness in education research schol-
ars and scientists” on a scale of
faculty.) Source: Institute of Scientific Information. [For programs in Engineering, the Physical Sciences, the Social and
Behavioral Sciences, and the Bi-
ological Sciences only.]
C/F: Rank order of the citation
guished” ratings. (Percentage of 0 to 5, as rated by faculty from density for the program faculty.
useable questionnaires where the institutions from the upper-half
(Total number of citations (TC)
program was rated Distinguished.) of all programs in this field in the divided by the number of proSource: NRC National Survey of overall Faculty Quality ratings.) gram faculty (TF).) Source: InstiGraduate Faculty.
tute of Scientific Information.
Source: NRC National Survey of
% D-S: Rank order of “DistinGraduate Faculty.
[For programs in Engineering,
guished” or “Strong” ratings. VIS: Rank order of visibility of
the Physical Sciences, the Social
(Percentage of the useable ques- the doctoral program. (Percentand Behavioral Sciences, and the
tionnaires where the program
age of the questionnaires which
Biological Sciences only.]
was rated Distinguished or
reported some knowledge of the
82Q: Rank order of Faculty QualStrong.) Source: NRC National
program by an answer other than
ity Score for 1982 Study. (AverSurvey of Graduate Faculty.
“Don’t know well enough to
age score on a scale of 0 to 5
93QT: Rank order of “scholarly evaluate” or “Little or no familwith 5 representing “Distinquality of program” faculty
iarity” to one or more of the five guished.”) Source: 1982 An Astrimmed means by faculty from questions.) Source: NRC Nasessment of Research-Doctorate
institutions with top-rated protional Survey of Graduate FacPrograms in the United States.
grams in their corresponding
82E: Rank order of Program Effields in the 1993 NRC Study. FA: Rank order of the total numfectiveness measure for the 1982
(Average of “scholarly quality of ber of awards and honors attribStudy. (Average score on a scale
program faculty” on a scale of
uted to program faculty. (Total
of 0 to 5 with 5 representing
number of awards and honors
0 to 5 as rated by faculty from
“Extremely Effective.”) Source:
institutions that were from the
attributed to program faculty.)
1982 An Assessment of Reupper-half of all programs in this Source: See Appendix G for
search-Doctorate Programs in
the United States.
field in the overall Faculty Qual- award organizations. [For proity ratings.) Source: NRC
grams in the Arts and Humani- TF: Number of Program Faculty
in Fall 1992. Source: Institutional
National Survey of Graduate
ties only.]
TC: Rank order of the total numFaculty.
TG: Number of Graduate students
93ET: Rank order of “program
ber of citations attributed to proin Fall 1992. Source: Institutional
effectiveness in educating regram faculty. (Total number of
search scholars and scientists”
citations attributed to program
This content downloaded from on Wed, 06 Dec 2017 23:00:14 UTC
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Appendix Table P-36 Relative Rankings for Research-Doctorate Programs in Political Science
Institution 93Q1 93E’ % D’ % D-S1 93Q T1 93E T1 VIS TC2 C/F2 82
Harvard University 1 (4.88) 3 (4.17) 1 (86) 1 (99) 1 (4.95) 3 (4.14) 1.5 (100) 1 (592) 2.5 (12.3) 2
University of California-Berkeley 2 (4.66) 4 (4.13) 2 (67) 2.5 (94) 2.5 (4.64) 4 (4.07) 1.5 (100) 33 (66) 45.5 (1.6
Yale University 3.5 (4.60) 2 (4.24) 3 (64) 4 (92) 4 (4.56) 1 (4.24) 4.5 (99) 3 (356) 2.5 (12.3) 1
University of Michigan 3.5 (4.60) 1 (4.31) 4 (62) 2.5 (94) 2.5 (4.64) 2 (4.20) 4.5 (99) 6 (245) 10 (5.6)
Stanford University 5 (4.50) 5 (4.02) 5 (55) 5 (88) 5 (4.52) 5.5 (3.96) 11.5 (97) 13.5 (138) 13.5 (4.9) 7
University of Chicago 6 (4.41) 10 (3.83) 7 (50) 6.5 (86) 6 (4.47) 8 (3.79) 7.5 (98) 4 (334) 4 (11.9) 5
Princeton University 7 (4.39) 8 (3.91) 6 (52) 6.5 (86) 7 (4.37) 10 (3.75) 4.5 (99) 12 (146) 29 (3.0) 9 (
Univ of California-Los Angeles 8 (4.25) 14 (3.62) 8 (37) 8 (85) 9 (4.20) 15 (3.48) 4.5 (99) 2 (481) 6 (8.4) 1
Univ of California-San Diego 9 (4.13) 12 (3.70) 10.5 (28) 9 (79) 8 (4.33) 11.5 (3.73) 16 (95) 11 (172) 15 (4.8)
University of Wisconsin-Madison 10 (4.09) 9 (3.86) 9 (29) 10 (76) 10 (4.05) 9 (3.78) 7.5 (98) 27 (73) 49.5 (1.5
University of Rochester 11 (4.01) 6 (4.00) 12 (27) 13 (72) 11.5 (4.00) 5.5 (3.96) 15 (96) 10 (192) 5 (10.7) 1
Massachusetts Inst of Technology 12(3.96) 11 (3.74) 13 (23) 14(70) 13 (3.90) 14(3.51) 18.5 (94) 16 (131) 11 (5.5)
University of Minnesota 13 (3.95) 7 (3.92) 16 (18) 11 (75) 15.5 (3.83) 7 (3.83) 11.5 (97) 21 (92) 27.5 (3.1)
Duke University 14 (3.94) 13 (3.68) 14 (20) 12 (74) 11.5 (4.00) 11.5 (3.73) 11.5 (97) 8 (225) 7 (7.8) 1
Cornell University 15 (3.85) 15 (3.61) 16 (18) 15 (67) 15.5 (3.83) 13 (3.66) 11.5 (97) 34 (65) 42 (1.7)
Columbia University 16 (3.84) 22.5 (3.22) 10.5 (28) 16 (61) 14 (3.86) 19.5 (3.19) 11.5 (97) 7 (242) 12 (5.0) 1
Ohio State University 17 (3.69) 18 (3.40) 16 (18) 17 (54) 17 (3.53) 21 (3.18) 18.5 (94) 9 (194) 9 (5.9) 19 (
U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 18 (3.54) 16 (3.54) 19 (9) 19 (47) 18 (3.44) 16 (3.45) 25 (92) 18 (112) 18 (4.0) 1
University of Texas at Austin 19 (3.49) 22.5 (3.22) 21 (8) 18 (49) 19 (3.33) 24 (3.05) 18.5 (94) 23 (78) 49.5 (1.5)
Indiana University 20 (3.45) 17 (3.45) 21 (8) 20 (45) 23 (3.17) 19.5 (3.19) 25 (92) 32 (69) 30 (2.6) 17
Johns Hopkins University 21 (3.37) 25 (3.14) 18 (10) 22.5 (40) 23 (3.17) 29 (2.89) 21.5 (93) 73 (14) 73.5 (0.7)
Northwestern University 22 (3.35) 25 (3.14) 25.5 (4) 21 (42) 25.5 (3.16) 28 (2.91) 18.5 (94) 30 (71) 24 (3.6)
University of Washington 23 (3.34) 29 (3.02) 32 (2) 24 (38) 20 (3.29) 26 (2.99) 33 (87) 35.5 (59) 39 (2.0) 26.5
Washington University 24 (3.29) 19 (3.38) 23.5 (6) 25 (37) 23 (3.17) 17 (3.33) 29.5 (90) 49 (30) 42 (1.7) 20
University of Iowa 25 (3.25) 20.5 (3.31) 27.5 (3) 28 (34) 28 (3.10) 23 (3.10) 35 (86) 45.5 (36) 45.5 (1.6) 2
University of Virginia 27 (3.24) 35 (2.72) 21 (8) 22.5 (40) 31 (2.96) 37 (2.63) 21.5 (93) 17 (119) 25 (3.5) 35
Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick 27 (3.24) 25 (3.14) 25.5 (4) 26 (36) 25.5 (3.16) 25 (3.03) 28 (91) 67 (18) 79 (0.6) 26
Michigan State University 27 (3.24) 20.5 (3.31) 32 (2) 31 (31) 29 (3.08) 18 (3.23) 37 (85) 15 (137) 13.5 (4.9) 3
University of Maryland-College Park 29 (3.23) 27 (3.13) 48 (1) 27 (35) 21 (3.18) 22 (3.17) 11.5 (97) 47 (33) 67.5 (0.8)
U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 30 (3.20) 28 (3.04) 23.5 (6) 31 (31) 32 (2.92) 30 (2.87) 25 (92) 61 (22) 73.5 (0.7)
University of Pittsburgh 31 (3.15) 31 (2.90) 32 (2) 29 (32) 30 (3.00) 34 (2.72) 25 (92) 61 (22) 67.5 (0.8) 3
University of California-Irvine 32 (3.14) 34 (2.83) 79.5 (0) 31 (31) 27 (3.11) 27 (2.92) 31 (89)
University of Houston 33 (2.96) 38.5 (2.69) 48 (1) 33 (22) 36 (2.73) 35 (2.71) 53.5 (78) 97.
State U of New York-Stony Brook 34 (2.92) 32 (2.88) 48 (1) 35 (20) 34 (2.83) 32 (2.80) 71.5 (66) 1
University of Arizona 35 (2.89) 48 (2.50) 48 (1) 36.5 (19) 37 (2.72) 61 (2.19) 39.5 (83) 25 (75) 20.5 (3.8) 43
Emory University 36 (2.88) 38.5 (2.69) 48 (1) 36.5 (19) 40 (2.64) 46 (2.38) 53.5 (78) 26 (74) 26 (3.4) 7
Georgetown University 37 (2.85) 51 (2.49) 32 (2) 34 (21) 33 (2.89) 40 (2.57) 29.5 (90) 55 (27) 62 (0.9) 59.5
Florida State University 38 (2.82) 30 (2.97) 48 (1) 38.5 (18) 44 (2.53) 32 (2.80) 39.5 (83) 39 (47) 31.5 (2.5) 46
University of Colorado 39 (2.78) 36.5 (2.71) 48 (1) 42.5 (14) 35 (2.76) 33 (2.76) 46 (81) 20 (96) 22.5 (3.7) 5
Syracuse University 40 (2.77) 33 (2.84) 32 (2) 42.5 (14) 39 (2.68) 36 (2.67) 42.5 (82) 57.5 (23) 67.5 (0.8) 45
Univ of California-Santa Barbara 41 (2.74) 43.5 (2.55) 32 (2) 38.5 (18) 38 (2.71) 41 (2.56) 46 (81) 45.5 (36) 45.5 (1.
University of Pennsylvania 42 (2.68) 53 (2.41) 48 (1) 40.5 (15) 43 (2.54) 46 (2.38) 25 (92) 22 (90) 19 (3.9) 3
Arizona State University 43 (2.67) 58.5 (2.33) 48 (1) 45 (13) 47 (2.41) 71 (2.07) 39.5 (83) 35.5
University of Georgia 44.5 (2.66) 36.5 (2.71) 27.5 (3) 45 (13) 49 (2.35) 38 (2.58) 46 (81) 28.5 (72) 33.5 (2.4)
University of Notre Dame 44.5 (2.66) 55.5 (2.36) 48 (1) 47.5 (12) 42 (2.56) 56 (2.25) 46 (81) 48 (32) 58 (1.0)
University of California-Davis 46 (2.61) 40 (2.60) 48 (1) 54.5 (9) 41 (2.58) 40 (2.57) 50.5 (80) 37.5 (49) 35.5 (2.3
CUNY-Grad Sch & Univ Center 47.5 (2.57) 69.5 (2.13) 32 (2) 40.5 (15) 46 (2.44) 72 (2.05) 46 (81) 52.5 (28) 62 (0.9) 2
George Washington University 47.5 (2.57) 48 (2.50) 79.5 (0) 49 (11) 46 (2.44) 43 (2.40) 32 (88) 44 (38) 54 (1.3)
Tufts University 49 (2.51) 58.5 (2.33) 48 (1) 51 (10) 56 (2.22) 52 (2.32) 71.5 (66) 19 (1
University of Hawaii at Manoa 50 (2.49) 73 (2.07) 79.5 (0) 54.5 (9) 48 (2.38) 66 (2.13) 62 (74) 71.5 (15) 79 (0.6) 23
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Appendix Table P-36 Relative Rankings for Research-Doctorate Programs in Political Science (continued)
Institution 93Q1 93E1 % D’ % D-S1 93Q T’ 93E T1 VIS1 TC2 C/F2 8
University of Florida 51.5 (2.48) 58.5 (2.33) 48 (1) 51(10) 54 (2.24) 51(2.33) 35 (86) 31(70) 31.5 (2.5) 53
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 51.5 (2.48) 48 (2.50) 48 (1) 45 (13) 63 (2.15) 58 (2.22) 56 (77) 65.5 (19) 58 (1.0)
Rice University 53 (2.43) 43.5 (2.55) 48 (1) 51(10) 53 (2.27) 48 (2.37) 71.5 (66) 65.5 (19) 45.5 (1.6) 69
University of Kentucky 54 (2.42) 41(2.58) 48 (1) 60 (7) 59 (2.19) 46 (2.38) 39.5 (83) 28.5 (72) 16.5 (4.2) 40
Brandeis University 55 (2.41) 72 (2.08) 48 (1) 47.5 (12) 51(2.33) 69 (2.10) 56 (77) 91.5 (3) 88 (0.3) 41 (
New York University 56 (2.40) 42 (2.56) 79.5 (0) 60 (7) 52 (2.30) 53 (2.30) 35 (86) 37.5 (49) 35.5 (2.3) 39
University of South Carolina 57 (2.39) 45 (2.52) 48 (1) 57 (8) 67 (2.08) 61(2.19) 67.5 (70) 40
Purdue University 58 (2.38) 64 (2.24) 79.5 (0) 64 (6) 60 (2.17) 66 (2.13) 60 (75) 83 (7) 91 (0.2) 57
U of Massachusetts at Amherst 59.5 (2.37) 63 (2.27) 48 (1) 68.5 (4) 50 (2.34) 42 (2.50) 56 (77) 41.5 (43) 39 (2.0)
American University 59.5 (2.37) 67 (2.17) 79.5 (0) 54.5 (9) 58 (2.21) 74 (1.97) 42.5 (82) 52.5
Univ of California-Riverside 61(2.36) 69.5 (2.13) 79.5 (0) 60 (7) 63 (2.15) 73 (2.00) 58.5 (76) 76.5 (11) 79 (0.6)
University of Southern California 63 (2.33) 68 (2.15) 48 (1) 64 (6) 64 (2.12) 64 (2.16) 65 (73) 61(22) 56 (1.2) 4
University of Kansas 63 (2.33) 48 (2.50) 79.5 (0) 60 (7) 69 (2.07) 54 (2.28) 58.5 (76) 69 (17) 62 (0.9) 62
University of Nebraska-Lincoln 63 (2.33) 65 (2.22) 79.5 (0) 79.5 (2) 61(2.16) 75 (1.92) 81.5 (58) 56 (25) 52 (1.4)
Vanderbilt University 65.5 (2.32) 62 (2.30) 79.5 (0) 54.5 (9) 67 (2.08) 69 (2.10) 50.5 (80) 88.5 (5) 85 (0.4) 34
State Univ of New York-Albany 65.5 (2.32) 61(2.31) 79.5 (0) 86 (1) 67 (2.08) 64 (2.16) 65 (73) 52.5 (28) 54 (1.3)
University of Connecticut 67 (2.31) 52 (2.43) 79.5 (0) 68.5 (4) 70 (2.06) 58 (2.22) 65 (73) 88.5 (5) 91 (0.2) 50
State Univ of New York- 68 (2.27) 55.5 (2.36) 48 (1) 60 (7) 67 (2.08) 56 (2.25) 62 (74) 71.5 (15) 62 (0.9) 59.5
Pennsylvania State University 69 (2.25) 54 (2.38) 79.5 (0) 64 (6) 72 (2.00) 51(2.33) 50.5 (80) 69 (17) 62 (0.9) 4
University of Denver 70 (2.23) 58.5 (2.33) 79.5 (0) 66 (5) 56 (2.22) 46 (2.38) 78.5 (59) 8
University of Oregon 71(2.21) 71(2.11) 79.5 (0) 73.5 (3) 58 (2.21) 66 (2.13) 69 (68) 24 (76) 16.5 (4.2) 37 (
State Univ of New York-Buffalo 72 (2.06) 48 (2.50) 79.5 (0) 73.5 (3) 74 (1.90) 49 (2.36) 71.5 (66) 74 (13) 67.5 (0.8)
Wayne State University 73 (2.04) 66 (2.19) 79.5 (0) 68.5 (4) 79 (1.64) 81(1.67) 81.5 (58) 57.5
Louisiana State U & A&M College 74 (2.02) 76 (1.99) 79.5 (0) 73.5 (3) 76 (1.74) 77 (1.81) 67.5 (70) 52.
Boston College 75 (2.00) 88.5 (1.29) 79.5 (0) 79.5 (2) 72 (2.00) 87 (1.22) 77 (60) 93.5 (
American Universitya 76.5 (1.94) 78 (1.85) 48 (1) 73.5 (3) 73 (1.94) 78 (1.78) 84 (57) 86.
University of Oklahoma 76.5 (1.94) 75 (2.03) 79.5 (0) 94 (0) 77 (1.70) 62 (2.17) 88.5 (53) 43 (41) 42 (1.7) 6
Claremont Graduate School 78 (1.80) 79 (1.74) 48 (1) 73.5 (3) 75 (1.75) 79 (1.73) 50.5 (80) 83 (7) 67.5 (0.8) 5
University of Missouri-Columbia 79 (1.79) 85 (1.43) 79.5 (0) 94 (0) 82 (1.52) 88 (1.19) 74.5 (65) 76.5 (11) 73.5 (0.7)
Northern Illinois University 80 (1.77) 77 (1.98) 79.5 (0) 79.5 (2) 85 (1.45) 76 (1.82) 74.5 (65) 61(22) 73.5 (0.7) 7
University of Utah 81(1.74) 81.5 (1.67) 79.5 (0) 86 (1) 83 (1.50) 82 (1.48) 93.5 (48) 83 (7) 88 (0.3) 77
Boston University 82 (1.69) 91(1.14) 48 (1) 68.5 (4) 78 (1.66) 85 (1.33) 62 (74) 95.5 (1) 94.5 (0.1) 52 (2
University of Cincinnati 83 (1.65) 94 (1.02) 79.5 (0) 94 (0) 85 (1.45) 93 (1.00) 85.5 (55) 50 (29) 37 (2.1) 70
University of North Texas 84 (1.64) 80 (1.73) 79.5 (0) 79.5 (2) 81(1.53) 70 (2.08) 78.5 (59) 69
Howard University 85 (1.62) 74 (2.05) 79.5 (0) 79.5 (2) 86 (1.39) 58 (2.22) 85.5 (55) 41.5 (43) 33.5 (2.4) 76
Temple University 86 (1.54) 87 (1.30) 79.5 (0) 86 (1) 80 (1.62) 83 (1.41) 81.5 (58) 91.5 (3) 91 (0.2) 55
Tulane University 87 (1.49) 83 (1.60) 79.5 (0) 94 (0) 87 (1.36) 84 (1.39) 81.5 (58) 83 (7) 82.5 (0.5) 72
University of New Orleans 88 (1.45) 81.5 (1.67) 48 (1) 73.5 (3) 89 (1.24) 86 (1.31) 76 (64) 6
Washington State University 89 (1.39) 93 (1.04) 79.5 (0) 94 (0) 88 (1.28) 96 (0.76) 92 (50) 64
University of Tennessee-Knoxville 90 (1.36) 84 (1.49) 79.5 (0) 86 (1) 90 (1.08) 91(1.11) 91(52) 80 (8) 82.5 (0.5)
Texas Tech University 91(1.20) 96 (0.88) 79.5 (0) 94 (0) 92 (1.04) 94 (0.83) 88.5 (53) 75 (
University of Texas at Dallas 92 (1.18) 88.5 (1.29) 79.5 (0) 79.5 (2) 95 (0.97) 91(1.11) 88.5 (53)
Northern Arizona University 93 (1.17) 86 (1.37) 79.5 (0) 94 (0) 92 (1.04) 81(1.67) 96.5 (46) 93.
Kent State University 94 (1.14) 90 (1.17) 79.5 (0) 86 (1) 94 (1. …
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