Expert answer:Dependent Variable – Emotional intelligence Independent Variables – Independence & Problem Solving For this assignment, you are expected to provide a strong rationale for the decision to study the variables you selected. In addition, you are expected to clearly build a bridge between the variables being examined for the reader. In order to do so, you are expected to complete the following tasks:Clearly present the literature streamsExplain the rationale for selection of those variables for studyProvide a strong written explanation of the relationship between those two variables based on existing literature (Use the literature you have selected for your Annotated Bibliography Assignments).Be sure that you use proper APA format and an adequate amount of literature to support your ideas and inform your writing.Attached are my Annotated Bibliography Assignments******
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Annotated Bibliography 2
Annotated Bibliography 2
Adil, A., & Kamal, A. (2016). Workplace Affect as Mediator Between Emotional Intelligence
and Job Satisfaction Among Customer Service Representatives. Journal of Behavioral
Sciences, 26(2), 79-94.
The study investigates the interceding role of organizational affects between job
satisfaction and emotional intelligence. The research reveals that emotional
intelligence as well as a positive effect is capable of positively predicting
satisfaction on the job. Mediation between job satisfaction and emotional
intelligence has been fully mediated by a positive affect implying that individuals
who are emotionally intelligent have a high probability of experiencing a positive
effect, which may consequently improve their satisfaction on the job. The study is
important in my research because it analyses the relationship between job
satisfaction and emotional intelligence.
Bakhshi Soreshjani, L. (2010). Relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health
among teachers, nurses, and employees. New Find Psychol, 5, 23-33.
The article investigates the relationship between emotional intelligence and
personality traits with nurse’s ability to retain services in one placement. The
article included studies using neo-personality, emotional intelligence and
inventory. The results showed a correlation between emotional intelligence and
the elements associated with emotional intelligence namely self-regard, impulse
control, social responsibility, and optimism. Conscientiousness and extroversion
were observed to be positively related to organizational productivity. Other
components such as emotional intelligence and stress tolerance were notes to
influence employee commitment to organizational productivity. Overall,
personality traits are noted for their effect on organizational relationships.
Bande, B., & Fernández-Ferrín, P. (2015). How and When Does Emotional Intelligence
Influence Salesperson Adaptive and Proactive Performance?. European Management
Review, 12(4), 261-274. doi:10.1111/emre.12062
The study seeks to explore the underlying mechanisms which link emotional
intelligence to proactive and adaptive performance. Emotional intelligence is
regarded as an important aspect of customer relations. The results of the findings
reveal that emotional intelligence positively influences a sales person’s
proactivity and adaptivity through its impact on the salesperson’s intrinsic
motivation and perceived self-efficacy. Also, the indirect impact of self-efficacy
on proactive and adaptive performance is dependent the individual’s capability of
bouncing back and organizational support. The study is important to my research
because it emphasizes on the strong relationship that exists between EI and
proactive and adaptive performance.
Chughtai, M. W., & Lateef, K. (2015). Role of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance in customer services: A case study of telecom sector of Pakistan.
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management
Studies, 3(2), 101-108.
This article covers the effectiveness of emotional intelligence as a tool for
organizational success. It analyzes the influence on employee engagement in the
workplace. It is observed in the article that emotional intelligence plays a
significant role in helping managers stay optimistic in the face of challenging
situations. It is also helpful in keeping the managers enthusiastic and encouraging
employees to pursue a higher level of organizational career opportunity. It
concludes that organizational and individual employee performance is greatly
influenced by emotional intelligence. An organization that is equipped with
emotionally intelligent persons stands a better chance of success than that lacking
the all-important quality.
Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2015). The moderator role of emotion regulation ability in the link
between stress and well-being. Frontiers in psychology, 6.
The article analyzed the controlling function of emotional intelligence, emotion,
and the ability to regulate emotion and the role they play in the relationship
between stress and pointers of wellbeing such as subjective happiness and
depression among sampled adults. The study also covered the comparative
relationships of these dimensions on both women and men. The article indicates
that in circumstances where males reported a significant amount perceived stress;
those who had more ability in regulating emotions were reported to experience
higher scores in subjective happiness.
Iqbal, F., & Abbasi, F. (2013). Relationship between emotional intelligence and job burnout
among universities professors. Asian journal of social sciences & humanities, 2(2), 219229.
The relationshipp between emotional intelligence and burnout in a higher
institution of learning is examined in the article. A sample of one hundred
university professors in Karachi aged between twenty-five and fifty is used.
Using linear regression, the article concludes that there exists a negative
relationship between job burn- out and emotional intelligence. The article further
covers the significant impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance
and what can be done to lower employee burnout through emotional intelligence
Jung, H. S., & Yoon, H. H. (2016). Why is employees’ emotional intelligence
important?. International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(8),
1649-1675. doi:10.1108/IJCHM-10-2014-0509
The study investigates the impact of employee’s emotional intelligence on job
satisfaction and styles of coping with stress. The findings demonstrate that selfemotion appraisal possessed a negative impact on the emotion-focused style of
coping. Additionally, the cognitive-appraisal stress-coping styles and problemsolving styles demonstrated a positive impact on the satisfaction in their jobs.
Self-emotional appraisal and the use of emotion had a huge, positive impact on
the style of coping with problem-solving. The study is of importance to my work
because it highlights the positive effects of a high emotional intelligence degree in
employees to an organization.
Mohamadkhani, K., & Lalardi, M. N. (2012). Emotional intelligence and organizational
commitment between the hotel staff in Tehran, Iran. American Journal of Business and
Management, 1(2), 54-59.
The article aims to establish the correlation between organizational commitment
and emotional intelligence among hotel staff. The articles note the significant
relationship between commitment to an organization and the emotional
intelligence. It also covers the importance of recruiting and developing highly
emotionally intelligent employees in safeguarding future organizational
operations. It also proposes the development of emotionally sensitive and
intelligent management team in hotel operations over and above other desirable
character traits. The study concludes that emotional intelligence significantly
influences the ability of the organization to retain employees.
Oztimurlenk, S. (2012). The Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Demographic Factors
and Employees’ Functional Role in the Workplace. Proceedings Of The Northeast
Business & Economics Association, 253-256.
Intelligence quotient does not determine one’s success in life or business. In the
job performance, intelligence quotient explains only 25% of it and leaves the 75%
to other factors. That is where Emotional intelligence comes in, in a work
environment. The study looks into the indifferences that exist between intelligent
quotient and emotional quotient but objectively study the link between
demographic factors, employee’s functional roles and emotional intelligence in
the work environment. The study is significant in my work because it will assess
the significance of emotional intelligence upper, lower and non-management
Parrish, D. R. (2015). The relevance of emotional intelligence for leadership in a higher
education context. Studies In Higher Education, 40(5), 821-837.
The paper investigates the rank of emotional intelligence for higher education
academic leadership. Emotional leadership is very important and relevant in
academic leadership. The emotional intelligence characteristics that are linked to
empathy, guiding others, inspiring and personal management were of great use to
academic leadership. Emotional intelligence is an important element in leadership
at any level of or institution. The study is of importance to my research because it
establishes the need as well as emotional intelligence in leadership. It also
demonstrates the manifestation of emotional intelligence characteristics in
Radhakrishnan, A., & UdayaSuriyan, G. (2010). Emotional intelligence and its relationship with
leadership practices. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(2), 65.
Recently, emotional leadership and intelligence have taken the center stage in
organization research and management debates. Emotional intelligence is the
capability of perceiving and expressing emotions to trigger thought,
comprehension as well as reason. Emotional intelligence controls emotions in a
person and also in others. On the other hand leadership is the potential to
motivate, influence and allow others to make a contribution to the success of an
organization in which they are affiliated to. This article is important because it
helps in the establishing the distinct role of emotional intelligence in leadership.
Rathi, N., & Rastogi, R. (2009). Assessing the relationship between emotional intelligence,
occupational self-efficacy, and organizational commitment. Journal of the Indian
Academy of Applied Psychology, 35(1), 93-102.
The author explores the relationship between occupational self-efficacy,
emotional intelligence, and organizational commitment. Using one hundred
twenty employees the studies noted that there was a positive correlation between
self-efficacy and
relationship, albeit less significant, was observed between emotional intelligence
and organizational commitment. Similarly, there was a positive relationship
between occupational self-efficacy and organizational commitment prompting
further analysis. The article traces deeper understanding of emotional intelligence
in enhancing employee competencies. The author underlines the need to separate
the effect of self-efficacy as compared with emotional intelligence on
organizational commitment.
Rathore, D., Chadha, N. K., & Rana, S. (2017). Emotional intelligence in the workplace. Indian
Journal Of Positive Psychology, 8(2), 162-165.
The concept of emotional intelligence has been on a rapid growth because it was
conceptualized in 1990. The concept is of great importance, more than the
concept of the intelligent quotient. Many studies have been carried out to establish
the relationship of leadership styles, management of conflicts, job performance
and occupational stress and emotional intelligence. The paper is significant to my
study because it focusses on the many works that have been done by a variety of
researchers in proving the use of emotional intelligence in a workplace
Salami, S. O., & Ajitoni, S. O. (2016). Job characteristics and burnout: The moderating roles of
emotional intelligence, motivation, and pay among bank employees. International Journal
Of Psychology, 51(5), 375-382. doi:10.1002/ijop.12180
The study investigates
the burnout
motivation, job
characteristics, pay and emotional intelligence. The findings from the study
indicated that the variable-pay, motivation, job characteristics and emotional
intelligence, separately and jointly negatively predicted components of burnout.
Further, pay, motivation and emotional intelligence separately interacted with
various job characteristics to predict negatively some components of burnout. The
study is of significance to my research because it helps in establishing of the fact
that motivation, pay and emotional intelligence may be put into consideration by
counselors in the designing of interventions to minimize burnout among the
Sanchooli, M., Rezaishirazi, R., & Sanchooli, J. (2016). The Effect of Emotional Intelligence
Training on the Quality of Life in Asthmatic Patients. International Journal of Basic
Science in Medicine, 1(2), 67-71.
The article evaluates the influence of effective intelligence training on the wellbeing of asthmatic patients. It employs quasi-experimental studies on clinically
confirmed thirty patients who were chosen randomly through sampling. The
article reports the differences between patients who were subjected to the test and
the control group. It reports the positive relationship between the quality of life
and the emotional intelligence. It also covers performance post- experiments
between the patients and the control group on issues pertaining to quality of life
and physical health. The article further concludes that asthmatic patients can
improve the quality of life through emotional intelligence.
Sarboland, K. (2012). Assessment of the relationship between emotional intelligence and
organizational commitment of employees: a case study of Tax Affairs Offices, Iran.
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(5), 5164-5168.
The importance and significance of the relationship between emotional
intelligence and organizational commitment among librarian employees are
The experimental methodology samples 225 randomly chosen
librarians of librarians. It is reported in the article that there are three dimensions
of emotional intelligence such as optimism, self-assessment, and service
orientation. It is also reported in the article that collaboration and teamwork had
no part to play in organizational commitment. It notes the importance of
emotional intelligence in the way the employees consider organizational
Seyal, A. H., & Afzaal, T. (2013). An investigation of relationship among emotional intelligence,
organizational commitment and job satisfaction: evidence from academics in Brunei
Darussalam. International Business Research, 6(3), 217.
Emotional intelligence is conversed as the emerging paradigm in organizational
behavior and leadership. The article delves into the effects of emotional
intelligence on workstation relationships and employee productivity. Emotional
intelligence is also factored in analyzing job satisfaction as well the ability for the
organization to retain the employee. It concluded that two dimensions of
emotional intelligence were effective in influencing organizational commitment.
The remaining dimensions were not as effective in determining the choices an
employee makes regarding commitment and productivity.
Shrestha, A. K., & Baniya, R. (2016). Emotional Intelligence and Employee Outcomes:
Moderating Role of Organizational Politics. Business Perspectives & Research, 4(1), 1526. doi:10.1177/2278533715605426
The research seeks to investigate the impact of Emotional Intelligence on the
outcomes of an employee. Proposal of the research is that, apparent organizational
politics negatively relates to emotional intelligence and moderates the link
between outcomes of an employee and emotional intelligence. There exists
significant links between outcomes of employees-job involvement, job
satisfaction as well as organizational behavior and emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence was not related to perceived organizational politics. The
study is significant to my research in that, it gives more insights on the
relationship and effect of job involvement and job satisfaction on emotional
Singh, A. P., & Dubey, A. P. (2015). Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence in Prosocial Behavior
of Managerial Personnel. Journal Of Psychosocial Research, 10(2), 439-447.
The author explores the function of emotional intelligence in the conduct of
managerial staff. The modern times require organizations to have employees who
are dedicated. Trait emotional intelligence is about individuals’ perception of their
self-emotional capabilities which assists them in the developing of social skills,
jobs, manage frustration, Co-exist with others and emotional control. The findings
of the research demonstrate the significance of emotional intelligence on the
citizenship conduct in a work environment. The study is significant to my work as
it shows the relationship between civic virtue, sportsmanship, conscientiousness
and courtesy with trait emotional intelligence.
Velmurugan, V., & Zafar, M. S. (2010). Influence of emotional intelligence on organizational
commitment. International Journal of Commerce and Business Management, 2(2), 107109.
The article considers the influence of emotional intelligence on information
technology professional in committing to one organization for a long time. It
posits that of the four elements of emotional intelligence, only two can reliably be
used to predict the possibility of an employee committing to any organization.
The importance of emotional intelligence is revealed in the way an employee
arrives at the decision to commit to the company. The author alludes to the role
played by emotional intelligence on cognitive abilities which further affect
employee productivity in the long run.
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