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Running head: COURSE JOURNAL
Course Journal
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Course Journal
Jonathan Swift’s proposal regarding the need for Irelanders to eat their kids was a satire
and at the same time a cause for people to think out of the box. Following his proposal, one
begins to wonder that how possibly can eating children mitigate the issues faced by people
during that period. But the Great Depression had actually made it a time when the country was
left with limited options, and Swift’s proposal could equally be seen as a modest option (Swift,
1999). On reflecting my life as a student, I have come to the conclusion that most of the
proposals that the education system present to us are satirical and ironic in nature.
Whenever I spend time with educators or people who are concerned with the happenings
in the country’s education sector, I never fail to hear them praise the system and how it is
appropriate in enhancing students’ levels of skills, accountability, and self-control. I have gone
an extra mile and visited some of the so-called “well-organized” academies just to see how
learners are effective. Ironically, whatever I normally see counters the whole ideology of
efficiency. Some of the students are made to work extra hard on topics that they may rarely apply
in real life. As a result, I am left to deliberate on what stops such schools from being unique. In
other words, what comes to my mind is that the virtue of effectiveness needs to be accompanied
by facts, but the tutors themselves ironically teach learners theories that they may not apply in
real life.
Upon completion of their educational journeys, the students luckily meet the real world;
the basis for their schooling. It is normally at this juncture that most parents begin to realize that
the whole period spent by their kids in school was nothing but a satire. They were made to
believe that the children were being nurtured with the skills of accountability and self-control.
However, in reality, they see nothing new in the kids that they can ascribe to education, except
increased naughtiness. The scenario experienced among ordinary and advanced level graduates is
not any different from that amongst the college students. Some tertiary institutions continuously
force students with theories even in subjects that need a lot of practical skills.
Ultimately, everyone begins to worry that far from expectations, the educational sector is
only forcing learners to be in school for the sake of it, but not helping them achieve much. It is
regrettable that only a few individuals-probably the gifted ones-end up performing professionally
while in employment. The rest may score well in interviews, but flop drastically in terms of
delivery when made to do practical work. Going to school to learn theory in order to go and
work in a practical field is ideally a form of satire, and can be compared to Swift’s advice that
people should eat children so that they can end their problems (Swift, 1999).
Conclusively, educators talk about the current schooling as if it were some form of foodsomething humans cannot do without. I think their perception is a very modest proposal, but it is
flawed in a real-life scenario. This is a time when instead of education being seen as
nourishment, it should, however, be seen as medicine—something that we may only need when
it can work. The implication is that practical sessions should inform the direction that the
syllabuses need to take, not the other way around. Learners must be taught facts, and not be kept
in an irony that their educational journeys will make them find the work environment palpable.
A Critical Reflection of “Benito Cereno” by Herman Melville
Name: Xiaoyu Ju
Americans are strongly against slavery at present, unlike several decades ago when many of their
ancestors practiced slavery. Ambivalence or the lack of strong categorical stand on important
social and political issues permeates throughout the American society; an ambivalence that
ultimately had to end with wars, such as the American Civil War. This ambivalence is subtly
communicated in the short story, “Benito Cereno,” by Herman Melville, through the ingenious
use of vagary and contrasts from the very beginning up to the end of the story. Taken from its
context and entirety, “Benito Cereno” characterizes United States before the American Civil
War, a characteristic that many Americans still harbor at present.
The ambivalent stand of the majority of the Americans from the founding of the nation
up to the American Civil War is not often discussed in history classes. In my opinion, that this
ambivalence is intentionally being hidden from American children. It is a truth that could make
significant positive change in the American society if only the majority of the White Americans
would become acquainted with it.
What is usually focused in American history classes is the greatness of America;
especially the founding fathers, who came up with the highest standards of moral philosophy
about freedom and equality. Nevertheless, an inquisitive mind would realize that even the
founding fathers were not sure of their stand on slavery. Records of the founding fathers’
lifestyles reveal that the framers of the American constitution and those who made the
declaration of independence, condoned and participated in slavery, before, during, and after they
won their independence from Britain. While they do declare that all men are created equal, they
only declared so in words and not in action – an ambivalence that would soon end with the
American Civil War.
The ambivalence on whether slavery is good or bad is observed through the narrators
tone in “Benito Cereno.” Accordingly, the narrator is neither condescending nor differential with
regards to the violent actions of the slaves who revolted against their masters. The same
ambivalence is manifested through the narrator’s lack of stand on slavery. While the narrator
describes a scenario where children and women slaves slept on the ship’s floor, the narrator also
describes the violent behavior of Babo and unruly conduct of the rest of the slaves. The same
approach in narration was taken in describing Capt. Delano, an American who seems to be a
honorable and just man but still thinks that chaining and ruling over the slaves is preserving
order and responsibility.
My point in this reflection is that Melville exposes the truth about American
ambivalence, which still hurts the country and other sovereign nations at present. Ambivalence is
everywhere today; especially, in issues like racism, war, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, and
gender. Many semi-conscious Americans fool themselves that the nation is a bastion and ensign
of democracy and freedom; that the country has the moral obligation to spread these two virtues
all over the world, topple down tyrants, and crush oppressive regimes.
Nevertheless, an inquisitive mind would find out that diverse inhumane acts and
persecution happen within the American soil, and many of these are perpetuated and
institutionalized by the government. The tortures at Guantanamo, the thousands of dead women
and children in Iraq, the persecution of the ethnic minorities and immigrants are but few of such
inhumane acts; yet the leaders would have the gull to castigate other foreign leaders like Rodrigo
Duterte of the Philippines for trying to preserve his country through a bloody war against drug
lords and drug peddlers.
Every people need to complete citizens who can think for them, criticize tradition, and
understand the significance of another person’s sufferings and achievements, because
Constructive criticism can guide you away from bad practices and towards good ones.
Try to be objective and look at what you’re providing as though it’s not yours. This can
be particularly difficult when you’re deeply involved in a project but, if you can take a
step back, you might see how to improve your way of working and avoid any negative
outcomes down the road.
Education is Extremely Important, because Education for Economic Growth.
Universities exist to enrich and extend human knowledge and understanding, it have
become a core part of the nation’s economic infrastructure in their own right, generating
employment and output, delivering substantial export earnings, and making a dynamic
contribution to the growth of cities and regions. Also, it gives people the skills and tools
they need to navigate the world. Without education, people would not be able to read,
write, calculate or communicate; they would also not be able to perform jobs
competently, accurately and safely. Education also teaches people about the world in
which they live, including information about history, philosophy and culture. Moreover,
education give us an active, critical, reflective, and empathetic member of a community
of equals, capable of exchanging ideas on a basis of respect and understanding with
people from many different backgrounds.
However, some university already has changed their aim in education. Some people
study for scholarship. Therefore, we need to judge this problem.
Summary of “critical thinking and education” course
Student Name:
Xiaoyu Ju
Summary of “critical thinking and education” course
Critical thinking is presented as disciplined thinking that is based on an individual
deciding what to believe and do, guided by own set of reasons and evidence. A critical thinker
believes on phenomena based on evidence. In that case, in a group discussion, where others have
made up their mind, a critical thinker is bound to ask questions based on the evidence he or she
has. This creates autonomy in reasoning where a critical thinker chose to remain focused on
individual believes as opposed to following other people believes.
In knowledge acquisition, becoming critical thinker helps an individual to be self-reliant as
opposed to being dependent on other people beliefs. Additionally, through critical thinking, an
individual can evaluate thoughts thus acquiring education in a deeper and compressive way. In
other words, being a critical thinker is advantageous in knowledge acquisition because it
enhances challenging of false ideas. For instance, in a group discussion, a critical thinker makes
his or her views stand based on evidence. Such individuals are not ready to allow being swayed
by others. Essentially, a critical thinker is skeptical. This is a person who is always ready to
challenge any belief presented by way of asking for evidence. A critical thinker is always in
doubt of a claim made without evidence.
Critical thinking is important in several ways. First, it helps an individual to understand and
connect with world. This is because a critical thinker can distinguish categorically between a fact
and an opinion. A fact is supported by evidence while an opinion is just a mere believe. The
second importance of applying critical thinking in modern society is that it helps an individual to
have independence in his or her moral intellectuality. In this case, a critical thinker is ready to
challenge any sentence with a range of evidences. This provides an opportunity to think for
yourself as well having autonomy by examining other people’s believes and coming up with own
assertion based on the evidence.
Therefore, by critical thinking, an individual benefits in academic and work place. For example,
in work place, a critical thinker can articulate believes and arguments of others. Consequently, a
critical thinker uses standards of evidence to evaluate those beliefs of others. In an organization,
a critical thinker is deemed a better problem solver. For instance, through searching for evidence,
a critical thinker can document a substantial report about a particular production phenomenon.
Critical thinking acts as a defense mechanism in an argument where one’s ideas and position are
However, research by Paul & Elder (2008) indicates that as much as critical thinking is
imperative in our day to day life, we tend to apply uncritical thinking in presenting our
arguments as well in solving societal problems. Much of our thinking is biased, partial, distorted,
prejudiced and uninformed. Hence, because we tend to make uncritical thinking in driving our
quality of life, we bear costs of money. For example, failing to apply critical thinking before
making an investment results in loss of money.
Moreover, there are reasons why we apply uncritical thinking in solving problems. The first
reason is natural credulity where we tend to believe that something is real and true thus we feel
difficulty in challenging it. Primacy effect is the order in which we hear and write believes. For
example, in knowledge acquisition, the material we read determine believes and evidence drawn
from the reading materials. The Cultural blind spot is another reason why we tend to use
uncritical thinking. This involve embedding crucial and important aspects as cultural providence.
Trusting ideas and knowledge creates the sense of belief, and because we like trusting so much,
we readily have no business in challenging an idea through evidence. Repetition of ideas and
knowledge makes us more gullible to believe. In this case, repetition of ideas and beliefs makes
our mind to absorb certain ideas as true. Finally, confirmation bias where we research for
evidence based on what we want to hear rather than mere facts about a phenomenon.
Heath, Enlightenment 2.0, presents negative thinking as a natural way to be wrong in an
argument. In this case, we disconfirm our arguments as opposed to confirmation through
evidence searching. However, using reasoning in critical thinking, we are aware of exactly what
we are doing, and we can explain what we have done without facing problems. Heath also asserts
that when we make a claim, we must be willing to explain why we made it as well as ready to
acknowledge its consequences. In rational thinking, we use out brain to process information
using the lowest time possible (Heath, 2015). However, when we get problems in solving
problems using the available resources that is why we involve senior authority in helping use in
decision-making. Therefore, an individual who is a timely decision maker is said to use available
resources including time to come up with solutions to the problem. Interestingly, rational
thinking is presented as inner speech. In other word, in thinking, we are simply communication
to ourselves inside. That is why a rational thinking is best at improving the performance of a
task. In this case, rational thinking is summarized as linked to memory and general mental
intelligence, require high effort, is reflective consciousness, require hypothetical thinking and
responsive to instructions. On the other hand, intuitive reasoning/thinking is summarized as not
requiring resources for memory working, unconscious, associative, automatic, not related to
general mental intelligence, and computationally powerful. The reasoning is articulated as a
social project that everyone should apply in solving environmental problems. Importantly, once
we recognize rational thinking as our responsibility, we may end up engaging in actions aimed at
improving the social environment to pave the way to rational thought.
The process of critical thinking begins by applying critical approach which is based on
reasoning, discipline, and awareness. This follows looking deeper at assumptions or hidden
agendas and analysis of bigger implications of what is found. Next, asking specific questions
related to the phenomena. Options are generated as well as the application of logical flow
reasoning. Seeking answers for the formed question follows and finally reflecting on the answers
to ascertain conformity.
In summary, only 5% (very few) of people in the society apply critical thinking in solving the
problem or presenting an argument. A Large group of people (85%) do not want to think at all.
That is why we end up making mistakes due to uncritical thinking in problem solving.
Heath, J. (2015). Enlightenment 2.0: Restoring sanity to our politics, our economy, and our lives.
Paul R. and L. Elder (2008), The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and

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