Expert answer:Case Study 3 (Midtown Family Clinic) Ethical, Lega

Expert answer:I need help on a papers about ethical, legal and regulatory policy base on the two previous papers.



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Stage 3: Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study and reviewed the
feedback received on your Stage 2 assignment. Refer to the System Recommendation Report Table of
Contents below to see where you are in the process of developing this report.
As a professional medical consultant, your next step in developing your recommendation for an EHR
system is to determine what ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues apply and how they will be
addressed in the selection and use of the system.
System Recommendation Report
Table of Contents
Introduction (Stage 1)
Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1)
Organizational Strategy
Strategic Use of Technology
Components of an Information System
Sharing Data (Stage 2)
Need to Share Data
Types of Data to be Shared
Data Interchange Standards
Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues (Stage 3)
Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Addressing the Most Difficult Issue
System Recommendation (Stage 4)
Proposed IT solution
How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements
Improvements from Proposed IT Solution
Implementation Considerations
IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017
Conclusion (Stage 4)
System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section III – Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Section III of the System Recommendation Report (SRR) analyzes the ethical, legal, and regulatory policy
issues that influence the selection of an EHR system and how it is used. For this assignment, you will
identify the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues related to health care information systems, explain
the impact of the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues on the selection and use of health care
information systems, and describe how the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues can be addressed
in the development and use of EHR systems. This analysis leads into Section IV – System
Recommendation section of the SRR (the Stage 4 assignment) that will propose an EHR solution to meet
the Midtown Family Clinic’s organizational strategy and fulfill its operational needs.
Below are a list of course resources and an example to assist you in completing Section III of the Report.
Course Resources: The table below provides the sources for the definitions and explanations of the
topics. You should use other resources as well, but be sure they apply to health care information
technology implementations.
Course Resources for Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Source of Definitions/Explanations
(located in Course Content)
Safe Design
Week 2: “Principles of Quality and Safety for HIT,” lecture b
Meaningful Use
Week 2: “Introduction to Quality Improvement and HIT,” lecture a
Quality Improvement
Week 2: “Introduction to Quality Improvement and HIT,” lecture b
Data Accuracy
Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture a
Data Accessibility
Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture a
Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture a
Data Consistency
Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture b
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a
Week 4: “Security,” lecture c
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a
Week 4: “Security,” lecture c
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a
IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017
Identifiable Health
Protected Health
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture c
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture c
Week 4: ” System Security Procedures and Standards,” lecture a
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lectures c and d
Week 4: ” System Security Procedures and Standards,” lecture a
Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lectures c and d
HIPAA Privacy Rule
HIPAA Security Rule
Business Associate
Week 4: “Security,” lecture a
Week 4: “Security,” lecture a
Week 4: “Security,” lecture b
Technical Safeguards
Week 4: ” System Security Procedures and Standards,” lecture b
Healthcare Ethical
Week 4: “Ethics and Professionalism,” lecture a
Example: An example for a topic entry is provided below.
Example from another industry: For example, for a fitness center that is adopting a new
technology solution involving a kiosk for customers to use to pay for their membership at the gym,
then for the Area of Accessibility, the following might be entered. Note the thorough explanation.
Definition of Topic
Accessibility is the degree
to which a product, device,
service, or environment is
available to as many people
as possible. This includes
accessibility to people with
various impairments such as:
cognitive, visual, hearing and
/or dexterity issues.
How it impacts and will be addressed in
the selection and use of a system
Since the customers will use the kiosk to pay
their membership fees, it must be accessible to
everyone, including those with some disabilities.
The system will be required to give instructions
in both written and audible forms. The system
provides audio instructions and other tools for
people with disabilities. As part of the
implementation, these capabilities will be tested
and front desk personnel will be trained to assist
customers if needed.
IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017
Stage 3 Assignment Instructions
The first step is to incorporate the feedback you received on your Stage 2 assignment, making any
needed corrections or adjustments. If you have not incorporated the feedback from your Stage 1
assignment, you should do so prior to submitting Stage 3. For this assignment, you will add Section III to
Sections I and II of the System Recommendation Report (SRR).
Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop
your Section III on ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues. Approximate lengths for each section are
provided as a guideline; be sure to provide all pertinent information. Apply specific information from
the case study to address each area listed below.
Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Introduction – Introduction to this section describing what is included. (3-4 sentences)
B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues – The table below lists 20 topics related to
ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues for healthcare IT systems. Each of these is defined in the
course materials; the table above provides the sources where the definitions and explanations can
be located. (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)
For each topic, you will provide:
• a brief definition, a minimum of two sentences, in your own words
• a brief explanation, a minimum of two sentences, of the impact of the topic or issue on the
selection and use of the EHR system; and
• a brief explanation, a minimum of two sentences, of how the topic or issue will be addressed
in the development and use of the EHR system.
DO NOT copy the definitions from the class resources or other sources, but use your own words
and provide enough information to demonstrate your understanding of each topic.
The “right” and “wrong” answers have to do with whether or not you correctly define each issue as
it relates to an EHR technology solution and provide a well-supported explanation for how it will be
accommodated. Your responses will be evaluated on whether they are applicable to an EHR
solution, appropriately defined, adequately explained, and are appropriate to the Midtown Family
Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Definition of the Topic
(minimum 2 sentences for each, a
definition in your own words)
How the topic impacts and will
be addressed in the selection
and use of an EHR system
(minimum 4 sentences for each
topic – 2 on impact and 2 on
how addressed)
Safe Design
IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017
Meaningful Use
Quality Improvement
Data Accuracy
Data Accessibility
Data Comprehensiveness
Data Consistency
Individually Identifiable
Health Information
Protected Health
HIPAA Privacy Rule
HIPAA Security Rule
Business Associate
Technical Safeguards
Healthcare Ethical
C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue – Consider each of the 20 issues listed and choose the one
that you believe will be the most difficult for the Midtown Family Clinic to implement. Explain why
you selected the issue and what should be done to ensure it is properly addressed when the system
is selected, implemented and used. Your response will be assessed on its applicability to the Case
Study and how well you support your choice and explain what should be done. (A paragraph of five
to six sentences.)
D. Summary – briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the
reader. (3-4 sentences)
Formatting Your Assignment
For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer
avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you, your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more
objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic
writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows
the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. The Report is to be written for the
Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in
the Clinic.
IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017

Include Sections I and II revised according to any feedback received, and add to it Section III.
Keep your paper concise: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response.
Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to
value quality over quantity. Section III should not exceed 4 pages.
Ensure that the table is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the
table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.
Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference. Use at least one external
reference and one from the course content.
Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading
Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. Do not overlook this step. Read
your work out loud or have your computer read it to you. Fix the grammar and other areas
Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.
Your submission filename should be as follows: Lastname_firstname_Stage_3
Note: In addition to the criteria for Stage 3, as indicated in the grading rubric, the incorporation of
improvements based on substantive feedback (more significant problems with content) from the
previous stages will also be evaluated.
< 60% Criteria Far Above Standards Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Well Below Standards Section Introduction and Summary 9-10 Points 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 0-5 Points Provides effective introduction and summary to Section III; is clear, logical, derived from the Case Study; demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing. 45-50 Points Provides an introduction and summary to Section III; is clear, logical, and derived from the Case Study. Not clear, logical and/or derived from the Case Study. Or, either the introduction or summary is not included. Not included, or demonstrates little effort. 40-44 Points 35-39 Points 30-34 Points 0-29 Points Fully and logically explained, are clearly related to the Case Study, and demonstrate a s sophisticated level of analysis and writing. Effective Introduction to table is provided. Logically explained, are related to the Case Study, and demonstrate analysis and effective writing. Introduction to table is provided. Definitions and explanations provided and relate to the Case Study. Introduction to the table is provided. Table of Issues 20 Topics; 2 sentences each for: definition, impact and how addressed in system Provides an introduction and summary to Section III; is adequate, and derived from the Case Study. Not all clearly explained and/or are not related to the Case Study. Introduction to table may not be provided. IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017 Possible Points 10 50 Not all addressed or little effort is demonstrated. 6 Most Difficult Issue Issue identified; explanations of why selected and what is to be done Incorporation of Feedback on Previous Stage Substantive feedback related to key content is addressed and previous sections are improved Research Two or more sources--one source from within the IFSM 305 course content and one external (other than the course materials) Format 18-20 Points 16-17 Points Issue selected is clearly related to the Case Study; explanations demonstrate sophisticated analysis and critical thinking. 5 Points Issue selected is related to the Case Study; explanations demonstrate effective analysis and critical thinking. 4 Points Issue is related to the Case Study; explanations are provided. Substantive corrections very effectively incorporated to reflect feedback received on Stage 2. 9-10 Points Required resources are incorporated and used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely and contribute strongly to the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. 12-13 Points 0-11 Points Issue is not identified; and/or explanations provided are not correct; and/or issue is not related to the Case Study. Issue and/or explanations are not related to the Case Study; and/or little effort is demonstrated. 3.5 Points 3 Points 0-2 Points Substantive corrections incorporated to reflect feedback received on Stage 2. Corrections incorporated to reflect feedback received on Stage 2. May not have addressed all key points or sufficiently corrected. Minimal corrections made based on feedback received on Stage 2. Some improvements still needed. No corrections made based on feedback received on Stage 2 and/or incorrect changes made. 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 0-5 Points Only one resource is used and properly incorporated and/or reference(s) lack correct APA style. A source may be used, but is not properly incorporated or used, and/or is not effective or appropriate; and/or does not follow APA style for references and citations. No course content or external research incorporated; or reference listed is not cited within the text At least two sources are incorporated and are relevant and somewhat support the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. 14-15 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3.5 Points 3 Points 0-2 Points Well organized and easy to read. Very few or no errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; doublespaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format. Effective organization; has few errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; doublespaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format. Some organization; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar and spelling. Report is double spaced and written in third person. Not well organized, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or is not double-spaced and written in third person. Extremely poorly written, has many grammar and/or spelling errors, or does not convey the information. 20 5 10 5 TOTAL Points Possible IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017 100 7 IFSM 305 Stage 3: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Policy Issues 6/13/2017 8 Sharing Data: Midtown Family Clinic System University of Maryland University College Class: IFSM 305 7985 Name: Andy Tran Date: 19 November, 2017 Table of Contents I. Sharing Data A. Introduction B. Need to Share Data C. Types of Data to be shared D. Data Interchange Standards E. Summary A. Introduction Safe sharing of healthcare data has the potential of significantly benefiting healthcare organizations. For instance, sharing of patient data may help healthcare providers in reducing the rates of readmission, avoiding medical errors as well as decreasing repeated testing. However, healthcare facilities should consider all the regulations and policies when it comes to sharing any information. B. Need to Share Data Considering Midtown Family Clinic case study analysis, there are quite some organizations that the center communicates with including laboratories, other healthcare facilities, insurance companies, just to name but a few. However, this discussion focuses on the major two organizations that Midtown Family Clinic communicates with on a regular basis and which are Midtown Insurance Agency and Midtown Nursing Home. Midtown Family Clinic works together with this organization purposed to deliver effective and reliable patient care services. External Organization #1: Midtown Insurance Agency The first organization that Dr. Thomson’s clinic communicates with on a regular basis is the Midtown Insurance Agency which deals with more than half of the health insurance covers in the area. Most of the patients in Midtown seek insurance services from this agency, and as such regular communication and sharing of data with Midtown, Family Clinic plays a significant role in the operation of the clinic. This is so because the clinic relies on the services of this company in receiving payments for patients who have a health insurance cover with MIA. As such, for the insurance company to make payments to the clinic it has to get the necessary information regarding the patient from the clinic. External Organization #1: Midtown Nursing Home Dr. Thomson also maintains regular communication with the Midtown Nursing Home which happens to be the closest healthcare facility to Midtown Family Clinic (Aspden et al…., 2008). There are some cases or diseases that Dr. Thomson may not be able to handle (such as cases requiring major surgeries), and thus he refers such patients to the nearest facility for specialized services which in this case is the Midtown Nursing Home. Besides, he may not be present at times, and the two nurses he has employed may not be able to handle cases that require the services of a professional doctor. In such cases, the nurses also refer the patient to the Midtown Nursing Home. During such processes, the Midtown Family Clinic is required and must submit the information it has about the patient which may include previous medical records to the Midtown Nursing Home. C. Types of Data to be Shared (i) Patient demographics The patient’s demographics include the name, date of birth, gender, address, as well as the unique patient identifier. These details are used in statistical analysis. As such, maintaining this data is very important for correct billing and in providing an opportunity to gauge the practice performance outcomes in terms of demographic g ... Purchase answer to see full attachment

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