Expert answer:Can you help me revise the Rhetorical Analysis pap

Expert answer:I am writing a Rhetorical Analysis paper for my English class. I am required to find out two rhetorical strategies and one rhetorical appeal that the author use in the article which is related to my major (accounting). I got feedback from my professor and the problems for my paper is that lack organization and examples take from the article. Can you find some specific examples from the article for each strategies and appeal? Also, I am not sure if I need to focus on another rhetorical appeal or strategies, can you check with it? Can you add some recommendations of how the author can improve his article at the end of the conclusion? Also, can you help me with the grammar errors?I will upload the article, can you please help me with the problems? Thank you so much.


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Michael Huang
Ty Khuu
Rhetorical Analysis Paper
Expressing thoughts and feeling is valuable for people in the modern information society.
Aas an essential tool for communicate, writing is related to people’s work, production, and life. To
write an excellent essay and voice their ideas and purposes accurately, people need to improve
their writing skills. Rhetorical writing is one of the most important skills for writer. Rhetorical
strategies, rhetorical appeals, and rhetorical situations are the three main parts of rhetorical writing.
Rhetorical strategy is used to develop the ideas and prove the author’s purpose for writing in
various articles or applications. Using rhetorical appeals can make an author’s article more efficient
and easier for the audience to understand the author’s ideas. A clear central idea and organized
structure which connects different points of view can help the author write a compelling essay.
The reason why the strong writers can write an excellent essay is that they know the importance
of using rhetoric and they will use different rhetorical writings to make their writing better. All
their articles still need to be processed and sorted out to become a readable and enjoyable article.
In this paper, I am going to analyze how the author flexibly uses several rhetorical strategies
and rhetorical appeals to support his view in his article “Everything I Learned About Life And
Happiness I Learned From Accounting.” The article was published in his journal website ‘Bren on
the road’ in Fall 2015. Brendan Lee, the author of the article, gained the exalted status of Chartered
Accountant after graduating from college for four years and he started to write about his
experiences and share his knowledge and thoughts. The reason he wrote this article is that people
always think it is hard for them to study accounting since they cannot distinguish the various
concepts in accounting. He knows the process of learning in accounting is nettlesome so that he
wants to make the accounting principles more enjoyable and easier for the audience to understand.
The audience of this article should be the people who are studying accounting, the people who
want to know more about accounting and the guys who always struggle with finances. The purpose
he wrote this article is because he wants to share his ideas of what general accounting is to the
audience and he wants them to get connected to their lives from the knowledge and make better
changes to their life. If the reader can understand this article, then they will realize they can get
many benefits and knowledge from this article.
In Bren’s article, he uses a variety of rhetorical writing to prove his material. I am going to
focus on exploring two rhetorical strategies and one rhetorical appeal in his article. First, I will
discuss two main kinds of rhetorical strategies used by the author, definition, and exemplification.
These two rhetorical strategies help him explain all the accounting concepts more clear. Then I
will analyze the rhetoric appeal the author utilized in the article, ethos which demonstrates his
credibility in his job and persuades the audience that he is reliable. It also shows the author’s
purpose, we can learn happiness from accounting.
In this article, one of the rhetorical strategies he used the most is definition. The definition
is a concise and definite language on the essential characteristics of things as a general description.
Bren uses his understanding to explain the different concepts of accounting merely in every
paragraph. To highlight the main content of the elements and the main issues, the author uses the
short words to define things, so that the reader has a clear concept of the object. If a person learns
accounting knowledge by himself, then he will certainly be difficult to understand the meaning of
different concepts. To avoid this situation, the author uses a concise sentence to define merely
concepts in accounting. The first two concepts the author explain in the article is asset and liability,
which is known by everyone. In addition to explaining the financial implications of asset and
liability, the author also explains what the asset and liability in life is. Through these four different
definitions, the audience can understand the interestingness of accounting knowledge more quickly.
His definition of each concept is very straightforward and easy to figure out so that the public can
easily understand what the author wants to express to them.
In this article, exemplification is the other rhetorical strategy that the author often uses to
support his idea. The purpose of the example is to illustrate the circumstances or affairs of things.
In principle, people do not understand an idea; it is necessary to give some easy to comprehend
and representative examples to illustrate so that the author can describe things more clearly.
Sometimes people can provide examples of interesting things; they can enhance the fun of the
concept, to attract readers to read. Exemplification has many advantages, it can make the idea
clearer, more vivid. Through different examples, the reader can be more aware of the subject of
the article, thereby enhancing the author’s convincing. He used two different types of girlfriend as
an example, so that readers can resonate with it. By doing so, the author can also make a connection
between two concepts logically. Through these vivid examples, the reader will have the same
thoughts and feelings as the author so that they can understand the author’s view easier and agree
with him.
Ethos: Ethical Appeals
A favorable report which contains ethos, logos, and pathos these three aspects will be
compelling and persuasive. In the Greek language, the meaning of ethos is personality. Ethos refers
to credibility, that is, the speaker or the author must make the audience to believe the author is
credible. The speaker shows their knowledge and moral standards to the public so that the public
convinced themselves. For example, if a person are sick, who would he think of to help him first?
The first person who comes up to his mind is a doctor in most situations. In this article, as a
chartered accountant, the author defines most the general concepts in accounting base on his
knowledge, and he tries to persuade the audience to resonate with this way of thinking for his ideas.
At the beginning of the essay, the author points out that there are many good things and bad things
in life. People should distinguish the differences between them and they should keep the good
things, not bad things. In accounting, something that has value means asset and something that
will take away our money means liability. Everyone should know what asset and liability mean in
their life. People who do not know the actual meaning of these two concepts will always struggle
with their finances. Most people would like to buy a new car and think it is an asset for them since
their vehicle worth money. However, a car is a liability which is a debt for a person because he
have to pay a lot of extra money for the car; gas, insurance and maintenance fees. Through the
author’s statement, the audience will understand that something that would take away their money
is not an asset but a liability. Clothing, luxury goods, and even the house are not assets.
Bren utilizes definition, exemplification and ethos appeal to make this article easier to
understand and more attractive. In this article, these three rhetorical writings can show his purpose
effectively. The author has been defined most the standard accounting concepts and gives relevant
examples in this article, to bring the audience the most basic accounting knowledge. Even though
the audience is not learning accounting in life, they can still get something from this article and
make changes for their life. Each of his ideas can show his professionalism as an accountant so
that the reader can feel very convinced.
The author was successful in utilizing the rhetorical appeal in his article. The author
connects all the concept of each accounting, step by step to explain and give examples so that the
audience can understand each concept more clearly. Besides, each of his definitions is very
straightforward and definite; I believe that even people who do not understand the accounting can
quickly understand each concept and get knowledge from it.
Even though Bren is a very great writer, but there are still some areas that the author can
improve more. Except for the two rhetorical strategies and rhetorical appeal he uses in his article,
the author can also use narration to make his article more attractive. In writing the examples, the
author does not have many examples of his own life, but the general case. As the audience, we
want to know how the author connects the accounting concepts which he mentioned in articles to
his life. Since the topic of this article is that everyone can get happiness from learning accounting,
the author does not show his example of the process he learned about accounting and get enjoyment
instead of being boring.
Everything I Learned About Life And Happiness I Learned
From Accounting
Throughout your time on this planet many things will move in and out of your life. Some
will be good and some will be bad, but everything will have a role in shaping who you
are and where you end up.
There will be things you welcome into your life, such as nice cars with drink holders big
enough to fit your over-sized protein shakes, big televisions you can watch the Playboy
channel on, and friends in high places who can get you into nightclubs without waiting in
line. You will welcome these things and people into your life because they have value
and and fulfill your needs. In accounting, we refer to these things as assets.
There will also be things you would rather not have in your life. These are things like a
mortgage from the bank with a zillion percent interest rate, or a debt from a dodgy loan
shark named Toothpick to fuel your online poker addiction. In accounting we refer to
these as liabilities.
The difference between an asset and a liability is probably the first thing you will ever
learn in accounting class (if you’re not asleep already). In layman’s terms, an asset is
something you own, while a liability is something you owe. Assets are good
and liabilities are bad. If you have many assets and few liabilities, you will be rich. In
accounting, we refer to this richness as equity.
After reading the work of several accomplished investors, my view
of assets and liabilities changed. I learned assets were no longer things I owned, but
were only things I owned that brought money into my life. Liabilities were things I owned
that took money out of my life.
An accountant would tell you a car is an asset because it’s worth money and you own it,
but to me it was a liability, because it was causing me to spend thousands of dollars on
petrol, warrants, insurance and servicing, but didn’t produce any income. I started
viewing many textbook assets such as houses, bikes and clothing as liabilities, and it
started becoming clear to me why so many people were struggling financially – because
they were amassing “assets” that were only taking more money out of their lives.
I now look at life the same way. As we all know there is much more to life than money,
so we should consider the assets and liabilities in our life from more than just a financial
perspective. I like to think of things from a point of happiness, or fulfillment. A
life asset is something that improves your happiness or quality of life. A life liability is
something that causes you stress or suffering. A supportive group of friends would be
extremely valuable assets, while a nagging, bitchy girlfriend would be a liability. For a
healthy life you would therefore aim to spend good amounts of time with your friends
and then try to amass even more quality friends, or assets. In accounting, we call
this capital investment. You should also aim to make the unpleasant girlfriend an exgirlfriend as fast as possible. In accounting, we call this a disposal.
The next thing we learn about in accounting class is the concept of capital. Capital
refers to the resources that you, the owner, have available to generate wealth in your
life. Of course, in this context wealth simply means happiness. What resources do you
have available to you to create happiness in your life?
Some people were lucky in life and were born with more capital than others. The short,
pudgy, Shrek looking kid might look at the 6’2 rich-kid pretty boy with an overwhelming
sense of envy and bitterness. But many of the world’s most successful people forged
their destinies with a modest amount of life capital. Is life easier when you were born
with greater capital? Probably. But that doesn’t mean you can spend your life
complaining about it. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses in the game we call life,
and everyone has the ability to win. Easy or not, you take the capital you have and you
build your empire. You can’t win if you don’t play.
During the course of building our empires we will all makes mistakes. Mistakes in life
are simply things we do that are not successful in bringing us happiness. We might
spend some of our life capital, such as our time, emotions or money, on things that don’t
turn out the way we wanted them to. In accounting, we call these expenses. A good
example of this might be a bad relationship or a bad career choice. But expenses are
not always a bad thing, and any successful businessman will tell you expenses are
unavoidable. Our expenses in life are nothing more than experience in disguise.
As life goes on, some of our expenses will lead to victories. In accounting, we refer to
these victories as revenue. Revenue in life is when we succeed in something and
receive a piece of happiness. Perhaps, after a few years of dating crazy bitches you find
a sweet girl who is a joy to be with, or maybe after dating an Xbox-playing couch potato
you meet a cool travel blogger whose name starts with B and ends in N. A successful
business cannot exist without reliable revenue streams, just as a successful life cannot
exist without consistent victories. When you find a source of revenue or happiness, you
must hold onto it, cherish it and duplicate it. These are instrumental to a full and happy
Oftentimes people are unable to do this. Their expenses are too high and
their revenues are too low or non-existent. For some people, just waiting in line at the
bank will piss them off and ruin their entire day. This is because they have no sources
of revenue, or happiness, to offset this expense, or problem. They know after standing
in this line they will need to go back to a job they hate, have no time to go to the gym to
work off their pot belly, and will go home at night to someone they cannot stand.
Eventually, it will take just one traffic jam or one drop of mayonnaise on their shirt before
they lose their shit and have a total mental breakdown. In accounting, we call
this bankruptcy. This occurs when your expenses or struggles are through the sky,
your revenues or victories are non-existent and you have no more will or capital to
continue on. This is when you know it’s time to start over.
Eventually, you will find your path. If you don’t allow any negative energies into your life
and only pursue things that bring you happiness, you will be able to minimise
your expenses and maximise your revenues. You will be living a life of few mistakes
and many victories. In accounting, we refer to this as profit. Profit, or overall happiness,
is achieved when our revenue is greater than our expenses. You might find yourself
waiting in the same queue at the bank but you won’t be angry this time. You will be
ecstatic, because perhaps you’re waiting in a bank in Hawaii or the Mediterranean –
you’re on an exciting trip around the world and the revenue from this will far exceed
the expense of waiting in a bank line. When your revenues are so great and abundant,
your expenses will seem so small you’ll barely notice them at all.
So, how do we live profitable lives?
We put ourselves in a position where our revenues can be high and our expenses can
be low. The successful businessman will always ask himself whether his expenses are
generating revenue or not. If not, he will cut the expense and allocate
his capital elsewhere.
When you have something bringing you immense unhappiness, such as an unhealthy
lifestyle, a toxic relationship or a shitty job, you always need to assess whether this is
going to eventually produce some revenue or happiness in your life. If your boss,
business partner, girlfriend or boyfriend is driving you insane, ask yourself what revenue
they are bringing into your life; are they bringing you closer to your dreams and goals? If
not, you need to put them up for sale and give them the boot. In accounting, we call
this reallocating capital. Remember, your capital is scarce. Don’t waste it on expenses
that aren’t worth it.
You will need to reallocate capital many times throughout your life.
Your assets and liabilities are never set in stone and they can always turn from good to
bad and vice versa. You might have a boyfriend who has been a huge asset for many
years and then suddenly turns into an alcoholic and sleeps with your sister. You might
have a girlfriend who used to take your breath away and then she turns into a level 5
crazy with a moustache. In accounting, we refer to this as depreciation. Sometimes the
depreciated assets in your life can be restored with a little repairs and maintenance, but
more often than not they will need to be removed from your life. In accounting, we refer
to this removal as a write off. If you feel there are old assets lying around bringing
negative energy into your life, don’t let them get too far. Write that shit off and move on.
You will make some enemies along the way. People you thought were on your side but
really just used you as a stepping stone or a doormat. The simple fact is, most people
resent those who go in search of big dreams, and you can’t allow this to stop you.
Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not bring you down. These are the people
who will help produce revenue in your life. As for the others, use them to motivate you.
Prove yourself right and everyone else wrong. In business, we call these
people competition. Competition is always good for business.
Often the hardest thing about becoming profitable is changing direction. Many
people go bankrupt because they couldn’t adapt to an unprofitable situation. In fact, in
today’s world, the business environment changes so quickly that companies who fail to
adapt disappear very quickly. Life is no different. When the iPod comes out, don’t be
like Sony and keep making Walkmans hoping they’re going to make a comeback. You
must change and adapt. If your career is not producing happiness in your life, change it
now. If your relationship is a never ending source of stress, cut it now. If your diet and
lifestyle is making you cry when you look in the mirror, change it now. You might be
thinking, “oh but I’ve been working on this career for twenty years and it’s so stupid to
change now”, or “we’ve been dating for 5 years and I just can’t do it”, but what has
happened in the past is irrelevant. The fact you’ve already invested a lot of capital in
something is not a good reason to keep it in your life. In accounting, we refer to these
as sunk costs. The savvy businessman always removes sunk costs from the decisionmaking process because they are irreversible and therefore irrelevant. We do not look
to the past, only the future.
Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side write down all
the things …
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