Expert answer:Business communications 1200 to 1500 words

Expert answer:You should use ACE process to prepare an effective proposal. Below are the points that you must address inside your proposal.a) Discuss in detail how you will come up with the strategy of dealing with the complaints. Please come up with solutions to solve the problem and state the reasons why you choose these solutions. (35 Marks)b) If you are facing difficult clients, discuss how you will propose solutions based on the lessons you have learnt in your business communication module. Please state the complains from difficult clients and propose solutions based on the lesson you have learnt in your business communication module. (35 Marks)c) Craft a check list on how you will handle future clients and the areas of improvement you would recommend. A minimum of 5 key points, based on what you have learnt from your module should be discussed. (30 Marks)Your proposal should follow clear organization of report-writing:1. Cover Page2. Executive Summary 3. Table of Contents4. Introduction 5. Body6. Conclusion 7. References8. Appendixes

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Business Communications
Aventis School of Management
Module Leader: David Shanmugam
The aim of this module is to enable students to explore theoretical aspects of
communication and to apply effective communication techniques in practice. Improving
communication is a key issue for business organizations and is also an important area of
professional development for individuals who need to collaborate in teams and persuade
and negotiate with line managers, customers and other stakeholders. During this module,
students will be involved in critiquing organizational and individual communication
practices and identifying and practicing effective communication strategies, including
collecting requirements, negotiating, giving and using feedback.
This course will equip students with the skills to produce impactful business documents
and deliver engaging messages in various business contexts. Students will be exposed to
strategies which will enable them to successfully communicate their solutions to
organization problems. Students will learn to draw up a Communication Plan, craft
persuasive messages and deliver difficult news. By the end of the course, students will
have learnt the foundational skills to communicate their ideas and values in a clear,
persuasive and memorable way.
Advertising managers; business professionals, operational managers, accountants,
senior executives and business executives who need a clearer understanding of
marketing’s role in generating profits, will benefit from this module.
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

Comprehend the fundamental concepts of business communication;
Understand how business communication will help in business growth;
Illustrate how business communication play an important role in marketing;
Evaluate how business communication is critical in growing modern business
and confidence
Learn how the ACE process helps to deliver bad messages and the techniques
to do so
How to create business report, and the methods and processes to be deployed
The method of preparing business presentations, and the evaluation process

Synthesize both the business communication techniques and methodology to
enhance business communication and the presentation skills
Formative Assessments
Students will be expected to participate actively in small group discussions, minipresentations and questions and answers during the course of the module.
Summative Assessment (graded)
Assessment Question:
You have recently been appointed as an events manager in A Pte Ltd. Prior to your
appointment, the previous events manager did not do a good job in handling the clients
well. Lack of time management result in delay events held. Overbudgeting left the
company with financial issues. Due to the instability of the company, some of the employee
has left and being replaced by less experienced staff. These are the problems contributed
to the complaints arise in the quality of service rendered by A Pte Ltd.
One of the events held outdoor is not possible to run due to bad weather. The customers
were very angry and keep complaining to A Pte Ltd. The customer service officer didn’t
follow up this matter properly. Poor communication between the customers and A Pte Ltd
makes the things worse. When they agreed to meet, the customer service cancelled the
meetings last minute and did not proposed new dates. The customer service did not
provide solutions, rather firefighting when issues arises. As the things getting worse, the
customers threaten to sue A Pte Ltd. At the same time, you need to deal with other
complains, such as delay delivery, low quality of service for events held and inefficient
A Pte Ltd has lost a few projects and this has caused the management to worry about the
future of the company. You have been appointed to handle all the complaints and resolve
these issues.
You are required to produce a written business proposal for action to solve the problem.
You must convince them that this proposal could be implemented to improve A Pte Ltd
conditions. The proposal will be read by the management. They will evaluate the proposal
presented to them. Your proposal must be professional and formal and must clearly and
appropriately persuade the audience.
You should use ACE process to prepare an effective proposal. Below are the points that
you must address inside your proposal.
a) Discuss in detail how you will come up with the strategy of dealing with the complaints.
Please come up with solutions to solve the problem and state the reasons why you choose
these solutions. (35 Marks)
b) If you are facing difficult clients, discuss how you will propose solutions based on the
lessons you have learnt in your business communication module. Please state the
complains from difficult clients and propose solutions based on the lesson you have learnt
in your business communication module. (35 Marks)
c) Craft a check list on how you will handle future clients and the areas of improvement
you would recommend. A minimum of 5 key points, based on what you have learnt from
your module should be discussed. (30 Marks)
Your proposal should follow clear organization of report-writing:
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Due Date: 21 November 2017, 11.59pm
Assessment Requirements:
Students are expected to adhere to the following requirements:

Font 12 Times New Roman or Font 10 Arial,
1.5” page margin,
Cover page should include the Module Title and IC Number. Please do not
include your name.
The report needs to consist of Headings and Sub-headings where appropriate,
Introduction, body and conclusion is a must,
Word limit: 1200 to 1500 words
References and citations: All claims must be backed by research and cited
according to Harvard Referencing format. This is part of your assessment
Instructions for Submission:

Please submit your assignment in PDF format (not exceeding 16 MB) under the
“Assignment” tab of the relevant module.
Only one PDF file is accepted.
Name your file to IC_Module Name (E.g S1234567C_Developmentalpsychology)
Assignments sent to your lecturer’s email will not be marked.
Coursework components
Individual Assignment – Take Home
To graduate from the Advanced Diploma in Business Management, a minimal grade of
PASS for this module is required.
Academic integrity and honesty is essential for the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge. The
University and School expect every student to uphold academic integrity & honesty at all times.
Academic dishonesty is any misrepresentation with the intent to deceive, or failure to acknowledge
the source, or falsification of information, or inaccuracy of statements, or cheating at
examinations/tests, or inappropriate use of resources.
Plagiarism is ‘the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s
own’ (The New Oxford Dictionary of English). The University and School will not condone
plagiarism. Students should adopt this rule – You have the obligation to make clear to the assessor
which is your own work, and which is the work of others. Otherwise, your assessor is entitled to
assume that everything being presented for assessment is being presented as entirely your own
work. This is a minimum standard. In case of any doubts, you should consult your instructor.
Where there is a requirement for the submitted work to be solely that of an individual student,
collaboration is not permitted. Students who improperly work together in these circumstances are
guilty of collusion.
A student who is substituted by another person in an examination, or who submits by substitution
the work of another person as their own, is guilty of deception by impersonation. The offense of
impersonation can be applied to the student and to the accomplice.
Any action through which students seek to gain an unfair advantage in assessment constitutes an
academic offence, such as, for instance, submitting the same piece of work for separate modules.
22 Jul
Topic 1: Becoming A Successful Business Communicator
Learning Outcomes:

Define what us business communication;
Describe why business communication can be challenging
The methodology of business communication
How we can develop and create good business communication
Topic 2: Working with Others
Learning Outcomes:

How to be an effective listener and speaker;
The art of managing conflict and the strategies;
The art of communicating with people from diverse cultures and
Learning the skill of communicating effectively in teams
Topic 3: Managing the Communication Process
Learning Outcomes:

Understand the AEC communication process and objectives
Evaluate your mistakes in your written works and how to avoid
Ways of improving your writing skills
Master the ways of Using the AEC techniques to achieve your
communication process effectively
Topic 4: Creating Brand Equity Through Communication
Learning Outcomes:

The art of creating questions and requests
The way of creating and composing informational messages
Know what kind of messages build goodwill in business
Learn the art of using social media to build goodwill
Topic 5: Communicating Persuasive Messages
Learning Outcomes:
• Understand how the ACE process help you persuade your
audience effectively
• Understand the importance of the types of business messages
that typically require persuasion
• Learn how to use persuasive techniques in social media
• How persuasion can improve teamwork and
collaboration in
business communication?
23 Jul
Topic 6: Communicating Bad News
Learning Outcomes:
• Know tips and techniques to use when deciding the most
appropriate format to use for agendas and email messages

Know tips and techniques in writing business letters, business
proposals, and business reports.

Define peer review and list ways peer review can help improve
business writing skills.
Topic 7: Finding and Evaluating Business Information
Learning Outcomes:
• Definition of research
• The methodology of conducting on line research effectively
• The method of conducting primary research
• The technique of conducting research using social media
• How to collect the data of the research and use it effectively
Topic 8: preparing persuasive Business Proposal
Learning Objectives:
• Using the ACE to prepare an effective proposal
• Learning how to make a proposal persuasive and effective
• Learning which business proposals should any prospective write
• The art of structuring and preparing a format proposal
Topic 9: Preparing Business Reports
Learning Outcomes:
• How can ACE help you write a business report;
• Types of short, routine reports usually found in typical in business;
• What guidelines should you follow for writing report and
amalgamating it with appropriate business structure;
• How should you document your research and its importance?
Topic 10: Preparing and Delivering Business Presentations
Learning Outcomes:
• Composing a business presentation;
• The Technique of delivering and evaluating the presentation
• The method of handling questions and answers on a presentation
• Adapting your approach for online presentation and including
question and answers
You are not required to purchase a textbook for the course. However, these are supplementary
articles/readings that can help enhance your understanding of the topics covered.
Meenakshi, R. and Sangeeta, S. (2011) Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, 2nd
edition. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011
Hartley, P. and Bruckmann, C.G. (2002) Business Communication, Routledge.
High Distinction
(HD) 80-100%
Distinction (D)
Credit (C)
Pass (P)
Fail (F)
<50% • • • • • • • • Outstanding Subject knowledge Effectively introduces and integrates knowledge from independent study beyond scope of module materials Draws links to other modules No further development of answer required • • • • Uses a wide range of ideas and concepts from the module Draws different concepts together effectively Strong use of relevant theoretical models and/or research Fully referenced with wide range of sources Strong evidence of independent research to enhance the answer • • 7 Draws together key ideas and concepts from the module effectively Some use of theoretical models and/or research to support answer Evidence of some independent research but largely guided by references provided in the module • • Uses some relevant ideas and concepts from the module Limited gaps in knowledge or misunderstand ing of concepts Some relevant references but may be overreliance on core textbooks/over use of direct quotes etc. • No/ very limited use of ideas and concepts from the module to answer the question No/very limited supporting literature Critical Thinking Application • • Extensive critical evaluation of arguments and referenced research and literature Thoughtful and thorough application of knowledge, theory and research to case study throughout analysis and recommendations • • • • • • Researched and answered from different angles. Considers the limitations of some of the research sources used • Tailors information to answer the question fully Illustrates answer with range of organisational examples Links relevant personal examples/experi ences to appropriate theoretical concepts and literature Applies concepts thoroughly to • • • • 8 Strong development of advantages/disadv antages, pros and cons etc. evident in answer May be some evidence different approaches to answering the question are understood Illustrates answer with some appropriate organisational examples discussed during the module Uses personal examples but may not always link this back to theoretical concepts and literature Links to case study but integration with theory/research may still be disjointed in places • Acknowledges some alternative interpretations to the answer e.g. advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons • A one sided answer with no consideration of alternative viewpoints. • Examples are very limited or lack relevance Case study is mentioned but poorly integrated into the answer • No or inappropriate use of examples No links to case study organisation • • case study organisation Evaluation • All concepts and material fully relevant to the analysis and recommendations including materials sourced from independent research • • Answers the question fully covering all key concepts No evidence of ‘padding’ with irrelevant information • • • • 9 Chooses appropriate concepts and makes a clear attempt to answer the question Information is mostly relevant to the question Only minor missing elements Minimal ‘padding’ with irrelevant information • • • • Some effort to answer the question Some missing or weak elements Covers some relevant concepts but links to answer are unclear in places Important concepts may be difficult to extract from other • • Does not answer the question that was asked Covers concepts which are not relevant to the answer. Organization and Language • • Outstanding, sophisticated written communication No significant areas for further development • • • • Logical organisation and flow of ideas Error free written communication Precise Harvard Referencing An enjoyable read • • • • Well-structured answer Only minor spelling/grammatic al errors Good grasp of Harvard Referencing Mainly easy to read and follow • • • Referencing and Citations • • Sources are exceptionally wellintegrated and they support claims argued in the paper very effectively. Quotations and works cited conform international standards (APA/MLA) • • Sources are well integrated and support the paper’s claims. There may be occasional errors, but the sources and works cited conform to international standards (APA/MLA) • • 10 Sources support some claims made in the paper, but might not be integrated well within the paper’s argument. There may be a few errors in citing. • • irrelevant information Some spelling/gram matical errors but do not significantly interfere with understanding Some attempt to Harvard Reference Difficult to read and follow in places Sources support a few claims in the paper, but are not integrated well within the paper’s argument. There may be multiple errors in citing. • • • • • Very difficult to read and follow Extensive problems with written presentation No or incorrect Referencing The paper does not use adequate research or if it does, the sources are not integrated well. They are not cited correctly according to international standards. ... Purchase answer to see full attachment

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