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Artistic Nature of Video Games
Do you love or hate video games? Do you like and dislike video games at the same time? It’s
said that extreme video games affect the psychological and physiological condition of an
individual. However, it is important to note that reasonable video games often improve a sense of
social abilities, healthy benefits for those suffering psychological or physical traumas, and
increases one’s self-worth. I have been involved in video gaming for about 15 years, in the
process I have been in a position to observe how gaming affects other players and the effect it
has had on me.
This discussion on video games is both timely and relevant at this time; this is because of
the increased usage and thus the effects of the video games. There has been increased use of
video games across the world mainly due to increased access to the internet. It has increase video
gaming awareness and significantly increased the consumer level. Also, video games developers
have advanced on the technology of developing video games. The number of video games has
increased. Thus consumers have a variety of video games to choose. This show there has being a
considerable growth of the industry. This advance of video games increases the effects that come
as a result of video games (Egenfeldt, 2015).
Reason #1 that video games are art: Video games can have both negative and positive
effects on the players. These games can impact players’ cognitive development.For
example…Video games can also have psychological and physiological effects on players,
including an impact on behavior such as self-esteem, aggression, emotional distress and
confidence. For example, a recent study by Dr. (Name Here) indicated that (effect here), while
another recent study indicated…More so, they can be used for therapeutic applications such as
… for the disabled and the elderly people. Also, it affects attitudes and gender attitudes. In
considering the effects, they can border on the advantages or disadvantages depending on how
they get used. Develop this idea further, how do the positive and negative effects you just cited
for your reader help develop your point that video games are art art? Spell out the connection for
your reader.
Reason #2 that video games are art: Censorship of video games is experienced from time
to time. The restriction is based on concerns that minors will be adversely affected when exposed
to video games. Parents and societal watchdogs are always in fear that children may be inclined
to believe that what they see in video games is what happens in the real world. They may thus
tend to use the violence they see in the real world thus negatively affecting the society they live.
Censorship is done using constitution amendments. In the U.S. the Supreme Court insists that
violence substance is protected the constitution First Amendment. Video games sexual and
violent ratings are shown on the Entertainment Software Rating Association; this guides the
parents on the consumer information on the level of maturity regarding sexual and violent
content in them (Ivory, 2009). In general, censorships threaten the continuation of the genre
while at the same time protecting the consumers.
This is a still image from “Name of Video Game (year it came out).” The image depicts a scene that might receive a
high rating and/or be censored owing to its violent content.Other forms of art like music, film, tv and books have all
been censored at various times in history.
Various scholars have debated the issue of whether video games are an art form or not. Each
scholar is giving their reasons. In my opinion, I tend to agree with the scholars arguing that video
games are art. There are many traits of art incorporated into a video game. To begin with,
developers of video games use both digital and traditional artists to develop their content (Smuts,
2005). Regular artists involve the culture and ways of people when coming up with their content.
These artistic impressions get incorporated in video games where technology is used to make the
expressions better. They are presented in 3D modeling, with illustrations, dynamic music, and
narrative arcs. It helps in connecting with the consumers as they discover their world; this
illustrates how people live.
Caption needed describing what we are looking at and why we are looking at it.
Another reason why video games can be described as an art is because narrative arcs are
used as illustrations; this is meant to extend the storytelling in a video game primarily where a
story unfolds over many episodes (Smuts, 2005). Video games have features such as exposition,
forming an action, peak, cooling of an act and an end; this brings out the art in a video game. It
creates suspense to the consumer, and they can enjoy and follow the video games. It illustrates an
ongoing activity till its conclusion. Mention what form of art the “exposition, forming an action,
peak, cooling of an act and an end” are similar to: perhaps the narrative of a film/tv show also
follows this model?
This picture is not showing up!
Caption also needed
Moreover, video games are also similar to art because they engage the
viewer’s/consumer’s/player’s emotions (Hall, 2008). They experience intense feelings when
playing a video game which are derived from the experiences of the characters in the video
game. The feelings players experience come from reasoning and their knowledge of…. Video
games place the viewer/consumer/player in a position to connect with the various personalities
involved in the story of the video game. In the course of being entertained,
viewers/consumers/players may feel loss, or victory, as well as many other mixed emotions
because they actively engage in the story that is unfolding, and because the player has connected
with the characters in the game. This is an experience that we also experience when engaging
with arts of various genres including books, film, tv, ect.
Image from the video game (name of video game here) showing two video game characters engaged in a fight. The
consumer may take sides in the fight, which will makes them emotional depending on how they fair in the fight. This
is very similar to other forms of art like books, film, and tv.
Counter argument:
Despite the many reasons mentioned above demonstrating why video games are art, a
handful of scholars argue that video games should not be considered an art form.. One of the
most popular arguments these scholars make is that video games are not art because they go
beyond “art,”— in other words video games are not art because they are more interactive than
arts such as painting or sculpture. They argue that in a video game, the player takes on a role, and
continually influences what is happening around them in the video game, which they believe
makes video games closer to sports than to art. This is because in sports, games have rules,
outcomes, points, and objectives, and one can win or lose, while art is just meant to communicate
and interact with people. These scholars also argue that a video game is considered more of a
“commercial art” than an actual art, because consumers view video games as a source of
entertainment, and they have no idea what art they are engaged in (Ebert, 2010).
Refute counter argument:
However, the arguments against video games include some gaps. Just because a newer art
form is “more” of an experience that the older art form that preceded it doesn’t mean that the
newer art form is not also an art form. For example… Similarly, it doesn’t necessarily make
sense to classify video games as sports because…
Finally, the argument that video games are more of a “commercial art” because consumers have
no idea what they are engaged in also doesn’t feel like a strong enough definition because…
Ultimately I still strongly feel that video games are a form of art., and the reasons why
they can be considered art are stronger than the reasons they cannot be considered art. Video
games are enjoyable; they come up with an ecosystem of changes and updates that are often for
artistic reasons. Moreover, video games share various traits with arts such as entertainment,
including an ability to bring out the emotions of people who engage with them, and containing
narrative arcs. It is further significant to note that as the video games continue depending on
patches, they lose their artistic potential. It matters–particularly to those of us in the field of
video game design that video games are art, but do not get the recognition as an art: a narrow
classification of video games limits how many people will be exposed to video games, for
example by making it unlikely that video games could be displayed in museums, which in turn
would limit how many people might be introduced to video games to just players, and not others
like art lovers who could also appreciate … form and limits the discussion about what is and
isn’t art to a much smaller Creating video games involves a lot of creativity, just like other
forms of art, and when we classify video games as art, we are… In sum, I recommend that the
best way to solve this issue may be for people in the artistic field to have tolerance and accept
each other based on their creativity rather than trying to define what is and isn’t art; this will go
very far towards bringing growth to all arts,, making the art and design industry dynamic, and
making all forms of art (video games included) better
Works Cited
Annotated Bibliography
Ebert, Roger. “Video games can never be art.” Roger Ebert’s Journal (2010).
[Author Credentials ]: Dr. Roger Ebert is a film critic in the Chicago Sun-Times since 1967.
Commonwealth University. He got a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Screenwriters
Guild. More so, he has honorary degrees from University of Colorado at Boulder and American
Film Institute.
[Audience/Type of Information]:
[Bias/Point of View/Purpose]: In Ebert’s research and works, he discusses why he believes
video games are not being a form of art. He has given and explained various points in his attempt
to prove that video games should not be classified as an art. The purpose of this research and
writings is to bring a clear distinction between something being an art or not. He has shown the
traits of video games that disqualify it from being an artist.
[Currency of Source]: is this article current (within the last 3-5 years)? If it is a bit older, make
the case for including it. Perhaps the case would be that the article was written by a well-known
art (film) critic, and reflects what some art (film) critics likely think about whether video games
are art or not. If the source is older, you’ll also want to mention if video game technology has
improved since it was written, and if video games have become even more (or even less) artistic
since the article was written.
[Relevance]: Explain why this article was a good source for you paper by mentioning which part
of your argument it is supporting, and if the writer has an important point of view you feel needs
to be presented to support your argument ,or inform your reader of the counter argument.
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon, Jonas Heide Smith, and Susana Pajares Tosca. Understanding video
games: The essential introduction. Routledge, 2015.
Hall, Stefan. “Video games as collaborative art.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Vol. 88. No. 1. National
Forum: Phi Kappa Phi Journal, 2008.
Ivory, James D., and Sriram Kalyanaraman. “Video games make people violent—Well, maybe
not that game: Effects of content and person abstraction on perceptions of violent video games’
effects and support of censorship.” Communication Reports 22.1 (2009): 1-12
Artistic Nature of Video Games
Do you love or hate video games? Do you like and dislike video games at the same time? It’s
said that extreme video games affect the psychological and physiological condition of an
individual. However, it is important to note that reasonable video games often improve a sense of
social abilities, healthy benefits for those suffering psychological or physical traumas, and
increases one’s self-worth. I have been involved in video gaming for about 15 years, in the
process I have been in a position to observe how gaming affects other players and the effect it
has had on me.
This discussion on video games is both timely and relevant at this time; this is because of
the increased usage and thus the effects of the video games. There has been increased use of
video games across the world mainly due to increased access to the internet. It has increase video
gaming awareness and significantly increased the consumer level. Also, video games developers
have advanced on the technology of developing video games. The number of video games has
increased. Thus consumers have a variety of video games to choose. This show there has being a
considerable growth of the industry. This advance of video games increases the effects that come
as a result of video games (Egenfeldt, 2015).
Reason #1 that video games are art: Video games can have both negative and positive
effects on the players. These games can impact players’ cognitive development.For
example…Video games can also have psychological and physiological effects on players,
including an impact on behavior such as self-esteem, aggression, emotional distress and
confidence. For example, a recent study by Dr. (Name Here) indicated that (effect here), while
another recent study indicated…More so, they can be used for therapeutic applications such as
… for the disabled and the elderly people. Also, it affects attitudes and gender attitudes. In
considering the effects, they can border on the advantages or disadvantages depending on how
they get used. Develop this idea further, how do the positive and negative effects you just cited
for your reader help develop your point that video games are art art? Spell out the connection for
your reader.
Reason #2 that video games are art: Censorship of video games is experienced from time
to time. The restriction is based on concerns that minors will be adversely affected when exposed
to video games. Parents and societal watchdogs are always in fear that children may be inclined
to believe that what they see in video games is what happens in the real world. They may thus
tend to use the violence they see in the real world thus negatively affecting the society they live.
Censorship is done using constitution amendments. In the U.S. the Supreme Court insists that
violence substance is protected the constitution First Amendment. Video games sexual and
violent ratings are shown on the Entertainment Software Rating Association; this guides the
parents on the consumer information on the level of maturity regarding sexual and violent
content in them (Ivory, 2009). In general, censorships threaten the continuation of the genre
while at the same time protecting the consumers.
This is a still image from “Name of Video Game (year it came out).” The image depicts a scene that might receive a
high rating and/or be censored owing to its violent content.Other forms of art like music, film, tv and books have all
been censored at various times in history.
Various scholars have debated the issue of whether video games are an art form or not. Each
scholar is giving their reasons. In my opinion, I tend to agree with the scholars arguing that video
games are art. There are many traits of art incorporated into a video game. To begin with,
developers of video games use both digital and traditional artists to develop their content (Smuts,
2005). Regular artists involve the culture and ways of people when coming up with their content.
These artistic impressions get incorporated in video games where technology is used to make the
expressions better. They are presented in 3D modeling, with illustrations, dynamic music, and
narrative arcs. It helps in connecting with the consumers as they discover their world; this
illustrates how people live.
Caption needed describing what we are looking at and why we are looking at it.
Another reason why video games can be described as an art is because narrative arcs are
used as illustrations; this is meant to extend the storytelling in a video game primarily where a
story unfolds over many episodes (Smuts, 2005). Video games have features such as exposition,
forming an action, peak, cooling of an act and an end; this brings out the art in a video game. It
creates suspense to the consumer, and they can enjoy and follow the video games. It illustrates an
ongoing activity till its conclusion. Mention what form of art the “exposition, forming an action,
peak, cooling of an act and an end” are similar to: perhaps the narrative of a film/tv show also
follows this model?
This picture is not showing up!
Caption also needed
Moreover, video games are also similar to art because they engage the
viewer’s/consumer’s/player’s emotions (Hall, 2008). They experience intense feelings when
playing a video game which are derived from the experiences of the characters in the video
game. The feelings players experience come from reasoning and their knowledge of…. Video
games place the viewer/consumer/player in a position to connect with the various personalities
involved in the story of the video game. In the course of being entertained,
viewers/consumers/players may feel loss, or victory, as well as many other mixed emotions
because they actively engage in the story that is unfolding, and because the player has connected
with the characters in the game. This is an experience that we also experience when engaging
with arts of various genres including books, film, tv, ect.
Image from the video game (name of video game here) showing two video game characters engaged in a fight. The
consumer may take sides in the fight, which will makes them emotional depending on how they fair in the fight. This
is very similar to other forms of art like books, film, and tv.
Counter argument:
Despite the many reasons mentioned above demonstrating why video games are art, a
handful of scholars argue that video games should not be considered an art form.. One of the
most popular arguments these scholars make is that video games are not art because they go
beyond “art,”— in other words video games are not art because they are more interactive than
arts such as painting or sculpture. They argue that in a video game, the player takes on a role, and
continually influences what is happening around them in the video game, which they believe
makes video games closer to sports than to art. This is because in sports, games have rules,
outcomes, points, and objectives, and one can win or lose, while art is just meant to communicate
and interact with people. These scholars also argue that a video game is considered more of a
“commercial art” than an actual art, because consumers view video games as a source of
entertainment, and they have no idea what art they are engaged in (Ebert, 2010).
Refute counter argument:
However, the arguments against video games include some gaps. Just because a newer art
form is “more” of an experience that the older art form that preceded it doesn’t mean that the
newer art form is not also an art form. For example… Similarly, it doesn’t necessarily make
sense to classify video games as sports because…
Finally, the argument that video games are more of a “commercial art” because consumers have
no idea what they are engaged in also doesn’t feel like a strong enough definition because…
Ultimately I still strongly feel that video games are a form of art., and the reasons why
they can be considered art are stronger than the reasons they cannot be considered art. Video
games are enjoyable; they come up with an ecosystem of changes and updates that are often for
artistic reasons. Moreover, …
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