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Description of Apple AirPods:
Apple AirPods are wireless earbuds manufactured by the Apple Inc. as the most effective
type of earbuds that one can acquire. They are easy and convenient to use than any other types of
earbuds. They are made in convenient sizes that easily fit in the ear of the user. Apple AirPods
also made in a way that prevents them from injuring the ear, in case they are used while the user
is running or in constant motion. They come in small boxes that act as the carrying cases because
they can be easily lost considering their small size. The storage cases ensure that anyone can
hold them in the hand while not using them thereby minimizing the chances of misplacing the
AirPods (Kahn, 2017). The case also protects them from damage when they are not in use. These
features make the device more reliable for use than other earbud devices.
Apple AirPods also come in different colors especially white and black. The users can put them
on in a classy way and match them with the colors of the clothes. They have one of the highest
power retention capacities because they can take up to five hours of active usage before they run
out of power. They are the ultimate audio devices that give the users an enhanced sound
experience. It is easy to regulate the volume of the sound of the devices using the Siri software
(Kahn, 2017). The devices can connect automatically to any Apple device once they have been
pulled out of the casing. Their ability to detect when they have been placed in the ear is also an
outstanding component that makes them more effective.
Product and Benefits to the Consumers
Based on the high level of reliability of the Apple AirPods, the devices have many
advantages to its users. The wireless functionality makes the devices easy to use in a crowded
place where the long wires could be interrupted. Although they come with iPhones and other
Apple devices, they can still be connected to other devices that support Bluetooth connectivity.
The fact that the users can use them on a range of devices makes it convenient even when the
owner loses the Apple device (Kovach, 2016). The use of the Siri Apple assistant is also another
benefit of the AirPods. On double tapping the screen of the iPhone device when they are open,
the user can direct the Siri to perform certain functions. Therefore, anyone can operate the device
easily even when busy handling other chores. Siri can be used to adjust the volume of the devices
and even change the music on the device (Kovach, 2016). The users also enjoy the advantage
arising from the devices’ carrying case serving as a charger. Therefore, they can avoid the
carrying of bulky items such as chargers. Moreover, it gives them extended usage time if the
battery runs out of power in places where cannot access a charging terminal. They are convenient
for use when running compared to any other earbuds. Wired earbuds might be pulled out of the
ears by holding the wires unlike the AirPods (Kovach, 2016). The high audio quality is also an
added advantage to the users. Every person needs high-quality sound for effective
communication and entertainment.
Brand Perception (Issues/Challenges)
The AirPods are associated with the Apple brand, which is the most acknowledged in the
current technology market. Apple products are known for their unique design and quality. This
automatically proves that they are the to-go-for earbuds in the market. Their unique wireless
design also relates them to the Apple brand. However, they might also have various challenges
regarding their affiliation with the Apple brand. Apple brands are among the most expensive
products in the market. Compared to other earbud products, AirPods’ $153 prices appear to be
high. With such prices, few people are likely to afford the products. Another challenge relates to
the possibility of getting lost because of their small size. In case they had wires, it could have
been easy to be detected, unlike the current tiny components without wires. Lastly, they can only
work with devices that have the iCloud account and MacOS Sierra, iOS 10, or WatchOS 3
software (Eadicicco, 2016). Therefore, the product is outcompeted by other wired earbuds, which
can work with any device regardless of the software.
Consumer Choice and Product Rate
People would prefer to use the AirPods to other devices for various reasons. Firstly, the
design and technology gives the users a sense of class. Many people would want to be associated
a group of people because they use unique products in the market. Secondly, its compatibility
with many Apple products would make many people buy it (Eadicicco, 2016). Therefore, they
can use it on any Apple device that meets the software qualifications for connectivity with the
AirPods. Apple is currently taking over the market for devices such as personal computers and
phones. Acquiring product might come with an added advantage in the future such as the
innovation of other devices that can only work with the AirPods. They are relatively cheaper
unlike other products in the market such as Solo3 or P5 Wireless.
Product (Wireless) AirPods Solo3 PowerBeats3 P5 Wireless
Beats Beats
Bowers and
Battery Life
40hrs 12hrs
Internal Music
Company Background:
Apple Company is a tech giant that was founded by Steve Jobs who was an American
entrepreneur, businessman, inventor and an industrial designer. Apple Company headquarters is
located in Cupertino, California, the United States with 478 retail stores in 17 countries as from
March 2016. The current Chief Executing Officer of Apple Company is Tim Cook who has a
hundred and sixteen thousand employees working for the company. Apple Company is an iconic
company whereas of the 2016 fiscal year they had generated total revenue of 215.639 billion U.S
dollar. In 2015, it recorded the highest annual revenue up to the date of total 233.72 billion U.S
dollar because of its sales on the iPhone product which is one of the many products they have for
sale (Statista, 2017). In 2016 after subtracting all the cost, Apple Company recorded a net
income of 60.024 billion U.S dollar. Apple Company is not monopolistic in nature but rather is
categorized in the perfect market bracket because of the many market players it competes with.
Its market competitors are the likes of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd,, Inc.,
International Business Machines Corporation, Dell Inc., Google Inc., Microsoft Corporation.,
Cisco Systems, Inc., LG Electronics, Lenovo Group Limited, and Hewlett –Packard Company,
Sony Corporation Company and many other technology companies (Mies, 2017).
Company Description
These companies differently compete with Apple Company in different products that it
produces. Apple Company is involved in designing, manufacturing, marketing of mobile
communication and media devices. It is also involved in the selling of personal computers,
portable digital music players, a variety of related software services, peripherals, networking
solutions, and third-party digital content and applications. The reason as to why this company
has emerged to be a force to conquer in the tech industry is because of the huge ability to
produce new and quality products to its customers at a short period of time. Indications in many
big businesses like Apple Company shows how they have set up long-term strategies on the
production of many products at a short period of time, they have got multiple platforms of selling
their products to avoid loss and cost brought by the production of products with not enough
market to sell them.
In the case of Apple Company, due to high production of different products, they have
different platforms for the sale of their products. These platforms include selling and delivering
digital content and applications through the iTunes store, and Mac App store. They sell their
products worldwide through its retail stores, online stores, and direct sales force, as well through
third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, and retailers and value-added resellers. Such
companies must have key partners and suppliers as you know no man is an island and no man
stands alone. Companies forge partnerships to optimize business models, reduce risks or acquire
resources (ecommerce-digest, 2012). Apple Company has worked together with international
ODMs and OEMs through the global supply chain, provision of products and apps with thirdparty vendors and value-added resellers.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The strengths of Apple include strong brand awareness and loyalty due to marketing and
advertising capabilities this is due to higher sales of its products across the globe bringing huge
revenues and net income thus strengthening its financial departments that enables the company
to perform drastically. But not forgetting that all these gains start at the top management level
who have been able to set long and achievable strategies. Apple’s Company management has
been able to offer good leadership to its employees by motivating them by giving them good
salaries and allowances and many other inducements. Apple Company experiences one weakness
where they strongly rely on single product series: iPhone which amounts to 50% of total sales.
(Business News Daily, 2013).
Strategy and Sustainable Competitive Advantage
. Due to the leadership and strong financial base Apple Company has been able to have
product excellence with a strong brand name, a constant innovation with cutting-edge design,
because of finance they have been able to deeply research on a particular product and later
developing it. They have been able to safeguard their products by having patents. They have
gained a competitive edge because they are more up to date with the latest technologies in the
market. Not forgetting due to their products quality, they have been able to retain their customers
and have accessed new markets.
In the operation sector, due to their strong financial base and production of quality
products, they have been able to have a cost advantage in marketing and advertising. Due to the
partnership with different stakeholders, Apple Company has been able to have an excellent
global supply chain management for both cost savings and value added-ones. Because of
production of quality products, they have been able to satisfy their customers and gain large
customer base thus increasing sales and having sales support. Lastly, huge sales have brought to
increased net profit that has led to increase in an extensive distribution of its products both online
and its own stores as well as through retailers and third-party value-added resellers.
Market Trend:
Competitor Analysis:
Throughout the years, Apple has dealt with direct competitors that have been in the way
of their success as a number one technology company. They have come with products such as
the iPhone, MacBook, iPad, Apple Watch, and finally the Air Pod. The products that Apple came
up with is the reason that they are still around and will never go away soon. “But the rest of the
industry has been trying to anticipate Apple’s moves with new phones and watches of their own.
And the competition is bringing more useful new features to consumers than ever,” (Pressman
2017). Apple does indeed continue to strive when it come to their products, but there are more
technology companies that want to stand in the way of Apple’s success. The competitors of
Apple Inc. are also striving to create their own success by making products that consumers will
want to invest in. The technology companies that are considered the direct competition of Apple
Inc. is Samsung, Sony, and LG. These four companies do have their own products that are
somewhat similar to the products that Apple has, but when it comes to competition between
technology companies, it is all about who has more to offer.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Samsung
Samsung is considered the number one competitor of Apple for some time now because
of the products they have created and innovated. The strengths and weaknesses of Samsung are
somewhat straight forward, but it does explain how they almost have the same success as Apple
does. The strengths that Samsung include having a high research and development expenditure
(R&D) which is the reason that innovation at Samsung has increased. Their high R&D
expenditure is another reason that their utility patents have increases significantly from 2014 to
2016. Another strength that Samsung has is their ability to innovate and design their products.
“The company’s commitment to producing ecologically friendly products and to decrease its
greenhouse gas emissions has also been recognized,” (Jurevicius 2017). Making their products
environmentally friendly is one of the reasons that Samsung has won many awards for their
design capabilities. The one weakness that Samsung has is the absence of an OS and software
system. Features is the most important thing when it comes to upgrading products for the
consumers. Another weakness that Samsung has lately is their issues with making sure that
products are safe for the customers. One example of a situation that has happened recently is the
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which had battery defects which cause the Note 7 to either heat up
excessively, cause a fire, or even explode. This incident caused the Note 7 to be recalled
worldwide in the fall of 2016. Products being recalled back to the factory is never good for
business and will indeed result in losing business with consumers.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Sony
Sony is indeed a direct competitor to Apple Inc. even though they do mostly focus on
TVs, gaming systems, and cameras. The strengths that Sony has include having a diverse
business. “This diversification limits market-based risks and improves the stability of Sony’s
business,” (Greenspan 2017). Diversification will indeed help grow any business and create new
opportunities. Another strength that Sony has is that they have products that are demanding and
profitable. The one product that is the most popular at Sony is the PlayStation, which is the main
reason for why Sony still exists. Business in companies such as Apple and Sony will increase
because of the popular products that they have under their belt such as iPhone and the
PlayStation. The one weakness that Sony has is the lack of any kind of mobile device. “The lack
of dominant mobile devices is a major weakness in Sony’s business,” (Greenspan 2017). Other
companies such as LG, Samsung, Google, and Apple have mobile devices and they do advertise
their mobile products a lot. Sony has some mobile devices under their belt, but there is never a
commercial or billboard advertising their mobile devices. One other weakness that Sony has
under their belt is the vulnerability of their network and databases. In the past couple of years,
Sony has been the victim of hacks and network breaches which is a huge concern when it comes
to keeping business and customers. These breaches and have to be under control or customers
will have to turn to other companies that have a safer network security such as Apple.
Strengths and Weaknesses of LG
LG is another company that Apple is in competition with when it comes to mobile
devices. One strength that LG has is their ability to sponsor sport and entertainment events.
Sponsoring these kinds of events will let the consumer know that LG is around and that they are
a company that can be trusted. Another strength under their belt is that they have about 100,000
employees and is considered the top mobile manufacturing company. Their ability to hire more
employees will indeed increase business and innovations. The weakness that LG tends to have is
their lack or ability to advertise their products. Advertising is the key tool when it comes to
pushing products to the consumers because they are the ones who invest on the product and see
what kind of features that the device has. Another weakness that LG has under their belt is the
fact that there is no environment for social media use on most of their devices. A lot of people
use their phones mostly because of social media and it is why smartphones were created in the
first place.
Segmentation and Targeting:
. Demographically due to complexity in using the AirPod and the technology involved,
education becomes essential. Age is an important market segment of AirPod product. Ideally,
teenagers are more inclined to using wireless headphones than old people. Research indicates
that young people are early adopter of new technology due to curiosity to test new things. As
such, age becomes an important market segment of AirPod product. Income level coupled with
occupation is an important market segment. Indeed, the occupation of an individual determines
the kind of the income derived. AirPod Product costs between $159 and $ 200. In order to
purchase the product, the income level must be substantial. Therefore, income level is an
important factor in deriving market segment of AirPod.
Psychographically AirPod product targets people with lifestyle. To own an AirPod is
perceived a lifestyle. With increased technological innovations and inventions, people are
becoming stylistic and want a product that raises their lifestyle. Therefore, lifestyle can be used
to derive market segment of AirPod headphones. Finally, behavioral segmentation would be used
to derive potential segment. This includes price sensitivity, brand loyalty, benefits among others
(Al-Khaled, 2014). Apple Company has already established its target customers who are loyal
and already have trust in their products. Therefore, customers who are loyal to company products
can be used to derive the potential market segment.
The technology sector is growing lucratively, and thus customers will always find it easy
to try news products. Age, income level, and price are market segment that is economically
viable because they are a going concern. Age segment is sustainable and profitable. Young
people are early adopters of technological innovations. In targeting the chosen market segments
of Apple AirPod, differentiated marketing targeting strategy would be used. Apple AirPod is
modified to meet various market segments including lifestyle, income level, and age among
others. Therefore, strategy of differentiated marketing will be used to target lifestyle, income
level, and age market segments.
Competing brands of Apple are:.
Sol Republic’s Amp Air
Erato’s Apollo 7
Bragi’s The Headphone
Attributes Based Analysis
The determinant attributes can be classified based on permanence and value propositions.
In performance, the scale will range from low performance to high performance while in brand
proposition the scale will run from budget to premium.
Perceptual Map
The attributes for each of the five brands is measured to a scale of 10 from -5 (lowest score) to
+5 (highest score). The perceptual map is as shown in figure 1 below.
High Performance vs. High Performance
Performance is measured through attributes such as sound quality, comfort and fitting as
well as connectivity and pairing. From the perception map in Figure 1 above, it is clear that
AirPods is positioned as high performance brand based on superior connectivity and pairing and
very good sound quality. Erato’s Apollo 7 is also a comparatively high performance brand
followed by Bragi’s The Headphone. In terms fitting and comfort, Airpods scores highly. This is
based on the fact that the charging component falls outside the ear unlike majority of the
competing brands. This makes the AirPod have a nicer fit inside the ear when in use.
Premium vs. Budget
The five brands in competition can be classified into premium and budget categories.
These classifications are ma …
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