Expert answer:Analysis of Designated Uses and NPDES Phase II Gen

Expert answer:PH 510 – Watershed Management and Science Assignment 2.1 – Analysis of Designated Uses and NPDES Phase II General Permit Conditions for a Small MS4 Description: In this assignment you will analyze Tennessee’s Draft 2016 303(d)List and the 2014 305(b) report.These reports present an assessment of the condition of water resources in Tennessee, specifically surface water resources. These reports are submitted to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.As such, meet Tennessee’s requirements of sections 303(d), 305(b) and 314 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (or Clean Water Act). According to Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act, each state must assess and report water quality conditions to EPA every two years. Essentially, these reports provide results of water quality assessments completed to determine if designated uses of assessed water bodies are being supported or not.For your assignment please complete the analysis and evaluation components below.This will require that you assess data presented in the report.Additionally, you will be required to develop an annotated bibliography and a References page for this assignment. Analysis Components: Read and review the Table of Contents, Executive Summaries, and sections of the reports applicable to the Lower Cumberland River/Cheatam Reservoir Watershed. Specifically, which streams are pertinent to the City of Goodlettsville, TN MS4.You will need to view a map on MARPLOT or other to map the jurisdiction and investigate the streams within that jurisdiction.Explain the purpose of each of these reports?What information is reported and to whom?If asked in class, be able to discuss the report, identify sources of data, and provide a summary of a portion of the data from the report.Describe the process by which Tennessee assesses designated use support.Develop a flow chart to demonstrate your understanding of the process.Be prepared to go to the board in class and draw and discuss your flow chart. How did the state collect data? What SOPs did they follow?Assess the information on non-attainment of uses, describe the designated uses that have been found to be impaired in Tennessee.Can you develop a pie chart or other type of chart to display this information?Is this watershed specific or is this a trend statewide?If you had to convey this information to the public, how would you summarize the data?In evaluation of the various uses that are supported at the statewide level for rivers and streams, what would be your assessment? Provide data to back up your evaluation and give a detailed response that shows that you conducted an analysis.For this step it would be most helpful if you present several graphs that indicate your analysis.You should use data from the report to construct these graphs.Also, you may obtain data from the full report or the EPA website that summarizes this data.Links to this information are provided under the assignment folder.Be prepared to present your findings in class.Next, what use impairments are present in the City of Goodlettsville’s jurisdiction. Is the City required to monitor these areas of impairment as part of its compliance with the Phase II General Stormwater Permit for Small MS4s?How is the City tasked with addressing these issues?In assessment of the Executive Summary and in your informed opinion, what is the greatest threat to public health in Tennessee related to non-attainment of designated uses of surface water? Provide a detailed description of the public health risk. Explain your answer, provide an explanation of why this is your opinion and provide facts to backup this opinion.What about within the City of Goodlettsville?Is there a TMDL that addresses water quality in the Cheatam Reservoir Watershed of the Cumberland River?If so, what water quality standards apply?Identify how the 303(d) list, general permit, water quality standards, and SOPs or methods for assessments are related.What process would you use to review the impairments and standards applicable within the City of Goodlettsville’s jurisdiction.Finally, choose one of the pollutants causing designated uses to not be supported and conduct research.Develop an annotated bibliography of at least six (6) references that describe how non-attainment of uses can be addressed, how the cause of the problem can be determined, how the source of the pollutant can be tracked or the watershed protection and management procedures that can be put in place to improve designated use attainment.At least four of the sources should be journal articles.The remainder of the references may be technical reports produced by the EPA, States, or other jurisdictions or technical websites.Please use a correct format for the annotated bibliography, preferably APA style.A section on Annotated Bibliographies and more is included in Section 2 under Presentations, Documents, and Information.Please provide a full bibliographic entry for each reference under the References page at the end of your document.Basically, you should have a References page for this assignment.If you need help with this, see the APA style manual or arrange a meeting with Dr. Taylor.

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