Expert answer:A Concise History of the Middle East

Expert answer:I need help with some assignments, there are: 7
Discussion post and 7 Essay. The first discussion is due on Thursday 1/18/2018
and the first essay is due Sunday 1/21/2018. All discussion posts are due on
Thursdays of every week and essays are on Sundays. The course started on Monday
1/8/2018. I can not find a copy of the textbook and it is needed to comply this
course. You will need to have access to the 10th or 11th edition of Goldschmidt
Jr., A. and L. Davidson. A Concise History of the Middle East.



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Essay Assignments
Each essay should be 500+ words, single-spaced in a 12-point font, and conform in style to
include parenthetical citations and footnoted references.
(5000 words total)
Essays should demonstrate understanding and thoughtful reflection on a topic that speaks
to the mission of this course. That is, it should reflect your ability to place the topic into the
context of daily life.
Module 1
The Greater Middle East/Gulf region is traditionally considered one of the most important geostrategic areas of the world. Please briefly summarize the region’s global importance by
answering only 1 of the following 2 points:
1. Explain how the Greater Middle East/Gulf is shaped by its various regional geographies
(Middle East vs. Gulf vs. North Africa, Fertile Crescent vs. deserts), and its geo-economic
importance (oil vs. international trade routes or nomadism and agriculture vs. urbanism and
2. Explain the key historical-political factors that shape the Greater Middle East/Gulf
(Muhammad’s Islamic religion; Arab unity under 3 empires from 700 to 1918 A.D.; Arab
divisiveness and political rivalry under national governments since the 1930s; the Super-Powers’
influence in the region during the Cold War; and the reasons for the 50 years-long Arab-Israeli
Module 2
Explain, in detail, the following:
What are the religious roots Muhammad used to craft Islam? How did Muhammad obtain
religious and political success in uniting the factional Arab tribes? How did Muhammad convert
non-Arabs to Islam?
Module 3
Explain, in detail, the following:
Why did Islam and the Arabs succeed in spreading throughout the Greater Middle-East/Gulf
against the Byzantines and Persians? What were the military successes of the Omayyad and
Abbasids Arab Empires?
Module 4 – Midterm Exam
Explain, in detail, the following:
Why did the Abbasids Arab Empire collapse and the Greater Middle-East/Gulf region fragment
under the onslaught of internecine fights and invasions by Seljuk-Turks, Christian Crusaders and
Essay Assignments
especially the Mongols?
Module 5
Explain the following:
What were the reasons for the military successes of the Ottoman-Turks in creating a third (but
non-Arab) Islamic empire re-uniting the Greater Middle-East/Gulf region, and what type of
relations did the Turks have towards their non-Turkish subject populations and minorities
(Arabs, Balkan and Middle-Eastern Christians, Armenian Christians, Jews, Kurds, Persians)?
Module 6
Please answer only 1 of the following 2 points:
1. Describe the various geo-strategic, military and religious policies used by the European Great
Powers (Austria, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy) to annex key Turkish provinces and
ultimately partition and destroy the declining Ottoman-Turkish Empire (1700s-1919).
2. Describe the Ottoman-Turkish Empire’s repression policies against secessionist minorities
(Greek-Balkan Christians, Armenian Christians, Assyrian Christians) and non-Turkish subject
Muslim populations (Arabs and Kurds) in the 1820s-1918.
Module 7
Please answer only 1 of the following 2 points:
1. Briefly explain the key religious beliefs of Judaism, and how the Diaspora cast Jews in socio
religious seclusion and persecution amidst their host Christian and Muslim countries throughout
the centuries ending with the Holocaust.
2. Briefly explain Zionism as an ideology (with its five points from the 28th Zionist Congress in
Jerusalem in 1968) and its role during World War I (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45) in
helping create Israel as a Western state (combining kibbutz, secular vs. religious Jews and Jewish
Module 8 – Final Exam
Choose one topic below and write an essay (approximately 1500 words).
1) Define the term “Arabs” and its relationship to pan-Arabism (nationalism) by distinguishing
between the Muslim world and the Arab world. Mention also Nasser and Saddam Hussein as
nationalist pan-Arab leaders.
2) Explain the Jewish “Diaspora”, history of Zionism, its five points (adopted by the 28th Zionist
Congress in Jerusalem in 1968) and impact of both World War I (1914-18) and World War II
Essay Assignments
with the Holocaust on the creation of Israel.
3) Describe the fall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I vs. Arab nationalism, the myth
of an independent Arab state (Lawrence of Arabia) and rival Jewish-Arab claims on the Great
Powers’ Mandate system of the League of Nations (Mandates A and Palestine).
4) Explain both Palestinian/Arab and Israeli views on the Middle East conflict and the key ArabIsraeli Wars: 1948 Independence of Israel, 1956 Suez Canal War, 1967 Six Days War and 1973
Yom Kippur War.
5) Describe Palestinian/Arab views on the Middle-East conflict, Jewish Settlements and
”Occupied Lands” (West Bank, Gaza, Golan, East Jerusalem) and how has Palestinian terrorism
(from the revolutionary PLO to Islamist Hamas) shaped Israel’s domestic security vs. any ArabIsraeli Peace Process. Has the “Fence” stopped Palestinian terrorism and shaped the future
borders in a “Two-States Solution” between Israel and Palestine?
6) Describe “Islamism” vs. Islamic Fundamentalism in relation to Iran’s 1979 Islamic
Revolution and Islamic Terrorism/insurgencies (Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda) vs. Western security
after the “9/11” terrorist attacks in the U.S. and later ones in Europe and Israel. Discuss the
U.S./Coalition in the Gulf against Iran (1980s) in the Two Gulf Wars against Iraq (1990-91,
2003), Two Afghan Wars (1979-89, 2001-current) and the destabilization of Pakistan.
Post a response (2 paragraphs minimum, about 400 words) to the discussion question in
each module. A good response must be completed on time and provide a well-thought-out
response which adds content to the discussion (information from other sources, examples,
questions to other students, etc.)
(3200 words total)
Module 1
What are two of the most important current political, economic, or social issues affecting the
Greater Middle East/Gulf? Why?
Module 2
Describe the early influence of Muhammad on the Middle East, as well as the problems of
choosing his successor. Also, discuss the history of the Umayyad Dynasty and the Abbasid
Module 3
How was Islam affected by the invasions of the Crusaders and the Mongols?
Describe the rise of the Ottoman Empire. Why did it succeed?
Module 4
Describe the interaction between the Ottoman Empire and the European powers during the age of
How did Muslim Westernization help Egypt and the Ottoman Empire deal with the West?
Take into account the rise of nationalism in Egypt and Turkey, as well as the Pan-Islam
Module 5
Discuss the rise of Arab nationalism and the role of Arab countries in World War I.
How did the Paris Peace Conference affect the Middle East?
Describe the rise of modern Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia in the postwar era.
Module 6
Discuss Egypt’s struggle for independence and the creation of new states in the Fertile Crescent.
Describe the contest for Palestine and the role of Zionism in the early twentieth century.
Module 7
Israel fought major wars against the Arabs in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973.
Describe each of these wars in detail.
Which of these four wars do you consider to have been the most important?
Module 8
During the first Gulf War, named Desert Storm, some people thought that the ceasefire at Aswan
was premature and that the Coalition forces should have marched on to Baghdad.
During the second Gulf War, named Operation Iraqi Freedom, that actually happened.
Compare the two wars from an operational and political perspective.
Why did the Arab Spring follow these wars?
Saint Leo University
The Modern Middle East
Course Description:
A study of the social, political, religious and economic forces present in the modern Middle East, with
emphasis on the period since World War I, Arab-Israeli conflict, and oil.
Goldschmidt Jr., A. and L. Davidson. A Concise History of the Middle East. 10th ed. Boulder:
Westview Press, 2013. Print. ISBN: 978-0-8133-4821-6
Course Objectives:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the history of the Greater Middle East from the time of
Muhammad to the present;

Demonstrate an understanding of both sides of issues related to the Arab-Israeli conflict and the
U.S. interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus other controversial regional issues;

Demonstrate an understanding of the basic tenets of Islam as a religion;

Demonstrate an understanding of daily life in the Greater Middle East;

Develop skills in reading, plus oral and/or written communication on these issues.
Core Values:
Excellence: Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively, work
hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills and assimilate the knowledge
essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our University depends upon a
conscientious commitment to our mission, vision and goals. In HTY233, students will develop accurate
information about the Middle East and an ability to analyze this information with the highest standards.
Respect: Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals’ unique talents, respect their
dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community’s strength depends
on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas and on learning, living and working
harmoniously. In HTY233, students will learn respect for another culture and civilization that has become
a critical part of the world.
Grading will be evaluated in the following manner:
Graded Assignments
Essays (6 x 100 pts)
Discussions (6 x 25 pts)
Midterm essay exam
Final essay exam
Grade Distributions:
<60% Assignments: a) Essays Saint Leo University is committed to a well-rounded liberal education for each student. A part of such training requires adequate writing skills; thus, students will be required to write essays on an instructorapproved topic of the student's choice. The essays should be 500+ words, single-spaced in a 12-point font, and conform in style to include parenthetical citations and footnoted references. The essays should demonstrate understanding and thoughtful reflection on a topic that speaks to the mission of this course. That is, it should reflect your ability to place the topic into the context of daily life. Essays will be graded on the basis of content, clarity and overall quality of work. Essays are the main component of this course. b) Midterm and Final Essays Essays are drawn from a selection of topics already discussed during the class (non-cumulative). c) Discussions Students are required to interact to one threaded discussion question posted in Modules 1-3 and 5-7.  Post a response (2 paragraphs minimum) to the discussion question in each module. A good response must be completed on time and provide a well-thought-out response which adds content to the discussion (information from other sources, examples, questions to other students, etc.)  Respond to a minimum of 2 classmates (minimum of 1 paragraph)  Most initial answers will be due by Thursday 11:59 pm EST/EDT, and most responses to others will be due by Sunday 11:59 pm EST/EDT (see the calendar for all due dates). In online courses, students seek interaction with other students and the instructor. Since there is no faceto-face meeting, this interaction impacts the effectiveness of learning online. As such, class participation is essential and will account for a significant part of your grade. Plan to contribute to every discussion topic with "quality" contributions to express clear thinking and demonstrate relevance to the discussion. This always involves more than just writing "I agree." In summary, three responses will be graded within each discussion. Each student must post one answer to the question, as well as responses to at least two other students in order to earn full points for that discussion. Three posts per discussion is only a minimum, but the instructor would really like to see more! The instructor also really likes to see students ask each other questions within the discussions (hint, hint!).  Due dates for the initial postings and responses to others will be strictly enforced.  No credit will be given to any responses posted after the next Module opens, unless authorized by the Instructor. 2 This is a writing-intensive course. All students must use the website for submission of course work and assignments as directed by the instructor. is a plagiarism identification service that can also assist students with term paper reference methodology. The tool compares your writing against all published sources, and also checks against previous classes’ written works.  The course ID and password will be made available to you by the first week of class.  A plagiarized document will result in a minimum penalty of an “F” for the paper (zero points).  Please read the Academic Honesty information below. Late Policy: All work must be submitted on time. Exceptions must be documented and acceptance is at the discretion of the faculty member. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to view the course modules in the week they are offered, and to log onto the course often enough to remain abreast of any communications from the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of what is happening in the class online. Students with Disabilities: Saint Leo University is committed to a policy which provides an equal opportunity for full participation of all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Appropriate academic accommodations and services are coordinated through the Office of Disability Services. Students with disabilities who require accommodation should contact the office as soon as possible via email: or telephone: (352) 588-8464. For additional information, students may access the Policy and Procedure Manual through the Saint Leo website. Academic Honor Code: The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint Leo University Catalog. The first paragraph is quoted below: Saint Leo University holds all students to the highest standards of honesty and personal integrity in every phase of their academic life. All students have a responsibility to uphold the Academic Honor Code by refraining from any form of academic misconduct, presenting only work that is genuinely their own, and reporting any observed instance of academic dishonesty to a faculty member. It is the responsibility of every member of the faculty and student body to cooperate in supporting the Honor Code. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to the following categories: Cheating  Providing or receiving academic work to or from another student without the permission of the instructor/professor.  Buying or selling academic work.  Violating test conditions.  Forging academic documents.  Copying computer programs. Plagiarism  Stealing and passing off the ideas and words of another as one's own or using the work of another without crediting the source whether that source is authored by a professional or a peer.  Submitting an article or quoted material from a periodical or the internet as one’s own.  Retyping or re-titling another student's paper and handing it in as one’s own.  Intentionally or unintentionally failing to cite a source. 3 Complicity  Helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. Misrepresentation  Resubmitting previous work, in whole or in part, for a current assignment without the written consent of the current instructor(s).  Having another student complete one’s own assignments, quizzes, or exams.  Lying to a professor.  Fabricating a source. Please refer to the Saint Leo University Academic Catalog for more information on the Honor Code and procedures for adjudication. Protection of the Academic Environment: Disruption of academic process is the act or words of a student in a classroom or online environment which in the reasonable estimation of a faculty member (a) directs attention away from the academic matters at hand, such as distractions, persistent, disrespectful or abusive interruptions of academic discussions, or (b) presents a danger to the health, safety or well-being of the faculty member or students. Education is a cooperative endeavor, one that takes place within a context of basic interpersonal respect. We must therefore make the learning environment conducive to the purpose for which we are here. Disruption, intentional and unintentional, is an obstacle to that aim. We can all aid in creating the proper environment, in small ways and in more fundamental ways. So, when we speak in class, we can disagree without attacking each other and no one speaks in a manner or of off-topic content that disrupts the class. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further details. Cannon Memorial Library Resources for Center for Online Learning Courses: Cannon Memorial Library Librarians are available during reference hours to assist you. To contact the librarian on duty, please call 1.800.359.5945 or email Reference Hours** Monday to Thursday 9 AM—10 PM Friday 9 AM—5 PM Saturday/Sunday 10 AM—6 PM **Subject to change. Click the Ask a Librarian link on the Cannon Memorial Library homepage for current information. Web Address (URL) Online Catalog (All Books, eBooks, and Media) SLU students, faculty and staff may borrow books from Cannon Memorial Library through the online catalog. Use the Library Catalog link under Find Info on the library’s homepage to access the catalog. Books you can check-out have Location=Cannon Library, Second Floor and Status=Available. Use the Interlibrary Loan link under Services on the library’s homepage to place your request. Online Library Resources (Articles and eBooks) Saint Leo provides an array of online article databases and eBook collections that support your classes. Use the Databases link under Find Info on the Cannon Memorial Library homepage to access the online resources. CQ Researcher………………..…..….. (In-depth topical analysis by Congressional Quarterly) 4 Dissertations and Theses……..…..…. (A database of published Dissertations and Theses, including those from Saint Leo University) EBSCO ………………………………… (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes Business Source Premier, Academic Source Premier, ERIC, ATLA) Literature Resource Center……..….... (Comprehensive source for literary topics, includes Twayne Authors) Newsbank: America’s Newspapers…. (625 U.S. newspapers) ProQuest……………………………….. (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes ABI/Inform Global) PsycINFO………………………………. (APA abstracts and indexing for psychology subjects) Westlaw………………………………… (Comprehensive legal resource) Wilson…………………………………... (Includes Education, Science, Humanities, & Business indexes) Supplemental Library Resources Saint Leo encourages students to obtain a public library borrowing card at their earliest convenience. Many state libraries grant public library cardholders free remote access to multiple online databases containing full-text articles. For furthe ... Purchase answer to see full attachment

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