Expert answer:My major is Business management. Pretend like you interviewed someone who works in the business field. Check the file attached for further instructions and examples.
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CST 227-80: Business & Professional Communication
The Professional Informational Interview
For this assignment you will prepare a 3 – 4 page written report on the
results of an interview with a person who holds a professional
position similar to the one you hold or would like to hold in the future.
Read the attached notes and be sure to follow the instructions
carefully, review the rubric for the grading criteria
As we continue our study of Business and Professional Communication it’s time to
turn to the next major project, the Professional Informational Interview. The
purpose of the assignment is to conduct an interview to collect information about a
job, career field, industry, or company. It is important to note that the end result is
not to obtain a job, though by its very nature it will provide you with valuable
experience that will be helpful in your job search.
The Skillful use of this interview can help you to gain an inside look of a job or
career field on a more personal and intimate level. It communicates the first-hand
experiences and impressions of somebody who is already in the career field or
position to which you aspire. Though the value of the information that you acquire
is relatively high, the Professional Informational Interview is also rather low stress.
Be clear that you are only seeking information, not a job.
_____ Stimulating Ideas
The writing:
● Is clearly expressed.
● Displays critical thinking.
_____ Logical Organization
● Follows a well-chosen pattern of organization.
● Forms a meaningful coherent whole, including a clear beginning, a strong
middle, and an effective ending.
● Uses transitions to link ideas.
_____ Language/Word Choice
● Clear, active, and vivid language.
● Explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms.
● Sentences flow smoothly from one idea to the next.
● Exhibits linguistic variety, including different sentence beginnings, lengths,
and structures.
_____ Overall Evaluation
● Submitted on time and in proper format.
● Interview request letter included.
● Copy/list of research material included.
● Interview questions included.
● Copy of Thank You Letter.
● Spelling and grammar.
CST 227-80: Business & Professional Communication
The Professional Informational Interview
For this assignment you will prepare a 4 page written report on the
results of an interview with a person who holds a professional
position similar to the one you hold or would like to hold in the future.
Read the attached notes and be sure to follow the instructions
carefully, review the rubric for the grading criteria
As we continue our study of Business and Professional Communication it’s time to
turn to the next major project, the Professional Informational Interview. The
purpose of the assignment is to conduct an interview to collect information about a
job, career field, industry, or company. It is important to note that the end result is
not to obtain a job, though by its very nature it will provide you with valuable
experience that will be helpful in your job search.
The Skillful use of this interview can help you to gain an inside look of a job or
career field on a more personal and intimate level. It communicates the first-hand
experiences and impressions of somebody who is already in the career field or
position to which you aspire. Though the value of the information that you acquire
is relatively high, the Professional Informational Interview is also rather low stress.
Be clear that you are only seeking information, not a job.
_____ Stimulating Ideas
The writing:
● Is clearly expressed.
● Displays critical thinking.
_____ Logical Organization
● Follows a well-chosen pattern of organization.
● Forms a meaningful coherent whole, including a clear beginning, a strong
middle, and an effective ending.
● Uses transitions to link ideas.
_____ Language/Word Choice
● Clear, active, and vivid language.
● Explains or defines unfamiliar or complicated terms.
● Sentences flow smoothly from one idea to the next.
● Exhibits linguistic variety, including different sentence beginnings, lengths,
and structures.
_____ Overall Evaluation
● Submitted on time and in proper format.
● Interview request letter included.
● Copy/list of research material included.
● Interview questions included.
● Copy of Thank You Letter.
● Spelling and grammar.
CST 227-03: Business & Professional Communication
The Professional Interview Report(example)
The Professional Informational Interview Report (This will be a 3 – 4 page written report):
Attached on a new page.
Annotated Bibliography/Research Materials (This will be a new page):
Onibala, Gabriela. Interview by xxxxxxxxx. Living Life As A Businesswoman 04 03 2014. 03 .
I’ve learned so much more not just about Accounting itself, but about what’s really
important when you’re making decision in your life. Accounting is not just about business.
Business is not all about skills and understanding the material or given task that you given, but
it’s also about perspective and attitude of someone who is willing to learn and educate
The person that I interviewed is one of my best friend. She is such an encouraging and positive
employee and students. She had worked as a receptionist before and her current profession right
now is actually her second job in stepping forward her resume as a business major. Gabby goes
George Mason University and is majoring in Accounting.
I interviewed her because I think it’s a good example for other young students. Although Gabby
is only 22, she was able to get the job position that she desire and goes to school at the same time.
It takes a lot determination and hard work, but also commitment to get to where she is at. She’s
not just satisfied in the profession that she worked right now, but it’s a step for her to go to next
VANZANTE, NEAL. “Using The Basic Accounting Equation To Help Students Understand
Difference s Between The Cash Basis and Accrual Basis.” Management Accounting
Quaterly 14.2 (2013): 34-39. Business Source Complete. Web. 5 Mar. 2014.
This database briefly explains the bas concept of Accounting. It talked about the most important
thing for someone as Accountant needs to know and understand. The article itself covers many
life cases that can be useful to students in introducing financial concepts. And also, it emphasize
so much on the time differences between revenue and expenses.
The source of this article was found through a database from the library at Northern of Virginia of
Community College (NOVA). The credential of this article is pretty accurate. The author, Neal
Vanzante was a previously an Accounting professor at Texas. He taught Accounting and was
very good at it, his teaching was admired by many students in Texas. Vanzante started a career as
a professor he launched his article, “Using The Basic Accounting Equation To Help Students
Understand Difference s Between The Cash Basis and Accrual Basis.”
I used this source to gain understanding on the basic concept of Accounting. Although, I already
know, it’s never a waste of time to relearn about what other think it’s important. It is interesting
to see that Vanzante and my professor had the same idea and concept as to why certain things are
important in Accounting.
Interview Request Letter (This will be a copy of the original, your signature is not
necessary, you may also scan and attach the letter):
Attached on new page.
Interview Questions:
1. Can you described me about your position and the name of the company that you work for?
2. What are the requirements needed in order to be successful in the job that you are currently
holding right now?
3. What are the necessity that the company expects from you in order to consider you as someone
who is “qualified” ?
4. Describe the challenges that you’ve overcome and your current job. What did you learned out
of the experience?
5. Does working at this job change your mind about what you want to do later on down
your future
6. How did you decide to go into this field?
Thank You Letter (This will be a copy of the original, your signature is not necessary.)
Attached on a new page.
Picture of yourself dressed for the interview (attach this):
March 4, 2014
The Professional Interview Report
“‘Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity’ will be something that you need to keep in mind
when it comes to accounting,” Professor Mitchell said. In order to be understand how accounting
really works, you need to understand the basic knowledge of Accounting itself. My career goal
one day is to be an Accountant in a company where I will be comfortable to expand my full
knowledge of the understanding of Accounting in my best abilities. One of my very closest
friend, whom I interviewed, and I shared the same interest as to what we want to accomplish for
what’s in the future. She has a great understanding of the quality and requirements as to what a
great Accountants needs to have in order to be successful in it. Not only that, but she also shared
some of her challenges that she had to overcome.
Gabriela Onibala was the person I decided to interview. She is 21 years old and currently
attending school at George Mason University (GMU). She transferred from Northern of Virginia
Community College (NOVA) located in Manassas back in the last fall of 2013. She is in the
process of getting finishing school and getting her degree, majoring in Accounting. She was
blessed with the opportunity of having a job that is relevant to what she is studying. Gabby work
as a financial assistant at Metro Mail Services Inc. in Springfield, Virginia. As a financial
assistant, she is responsible in working with invoices, bookkeeping, inventory, and also shipping
out supplies to customers using USPS programs provided by the company. Gabby stated, “Excel
is my best friend for the most part.” In this statement she briefly explained how as an financial
assistant who does accounting work for 8-9 hours a day, there’s not a single minute that you
won’t need Excel. Excel is a must when it comes to Accounting.
Interviewing Gabby was a bit challenging for me because I’ve known her, but at the same
time it was a fun and engaging experience for the both of us, me especially. We set an interview
during the day where both of us was free and I interviewed her at her office where she currently
work. Her answer to some of my question was very brief and straight to the point. She did not
hesitate in answering any of the questions that I’ve asked. Looking at it from the business view, I
learned that she is very confident in what responding to the question that was given to her. She is
not afraid of what I may think is “right” or “wrong” because in her own belief, “Stepping into the
business field will change your perspective; it is not about right or wrong, it’s about thinking
outside the box.”
My first approach to Gabby regarding her position as a financial assistant was, “How did
you decide to go into this field?” She excitedly responded, “My senior year year of high school
and I loved it.” Her answer would be the same answer as to what I would say. I could tell that not
only we have a lot of things in common, but it will also be a powerful interview and a life lesson
for me personally.
“What are the requirements needed in order to be successful in the job that you are
currently holding right now?” She gave me a chuckle, and confidently reply, “Follow through
with the tasks given from supervisor and manager. Ask question when I’m not sure what or how
to do a certain task. Time management is essential.” For me, her answer is very direct, too direct.
I respectfully asked her if she can elaborate more on her answer. “This is my very first job as a
financial assistant, I have no experience whatsoever, so maintaining a good, stable work habit, is
the best impression I can give to my supervisor and manager. Following the order of someone
who is above you is not negotiable. It’s not something that you can just arrange and fix
whenever, however you would like. For instance, when they (the supervisor/manager/director)
tells me the due date is is tonight at 7 P.M, that means it is due by that specific time. If it’s not
done by that exact time, there will consequences that I have to hold, not only for my own sake,
but also for the business/company’s that I work for. With this, time management is one of the
key in having a good and productive work habit. You have to be able to manage your time
wisely to your best ability. And also, it is better to ask question if you are unsure of anything,
literally anything. There’s no such thing as a ‘stupid’ questions when it comes to business. It is
better to humble yourself rather than keeping the ego.”
Gabby’s response was an eye-opener for me. I never see the side of her where she can be
professional and passionate with what she was saying at the same time. She mentioned about
having a great working habit, not only for her own, but also what it can do for her surroundings.
The great habit that she has shown to her co-worker is an uplifter for them. They’re more
exciting to work and putting their best ability and skills in whatever was given to them because
of the positive attitude and the productive habit that Gabby had shown.
I also questioned Gabby on the requirements that the company, which in this case is
Metro Mail Service Inc., expect from her in order for them to consider Gabby as someone who is
“qualified.” I could tell by the tone of her voice when she responded, she was not prideful about
what she had accomplished, instead she was very humble about it. Her answer to my question
was to be “knowledgeable with Excel and PowerPoint, to know how to write proposals, and had
experience with customer service.” She shared with me how those are the things that they (the
company) refers to as someone who will be “qualified” to fill in the job that she is currently
working in. But at the time, she said she didn’t have much skills with Excels and yet they still
hired her. From this, Gabby captured, “not only do you need the skills, but they need to be able
to see what kind of a person you are. They need to be able to see much deeper than someone who
knows how to operate the system.” By this response, I am convinced that skills is not all that big
company and business seeks for, but they also seek for someone who is different and unique, and
who has what it takes to learn and to improve in whatever they do.
So far, the interview went very well. I could already tell that although the question gets
very challenging for Gabby because it’s one of those “on-spot” questions, she can still managed
so stay calm and confident in what she believed is true because she is saying it out of experience.
I can tell that she is very passionate about what she does because of the amount of learning
experience that she has and also how uplifting some of her answers are. In the middle of the
interview, Gabby mentioned one thing that I will never forget, especially since the profession
that she has right now is something that I greatly desire for my own.
In the middle of the interview, Gabby said, “Anyone can be an accountant if they spend
enough time to learn, to improve, to be better even when they’re already capable of doing it.
Having a great profession is not all about skills however, is all about your passion. If your
passion is not into Accounting or Marketing or maybe Finance, then don’t drag yourself in a
mystery of depression just because you want to make money. In every profession that you desire
to have in the long run, you have to find yourself in it. If you can’t find any passion or interest in
those fields, it’s not worth to spend money and time in something that you don’t even enjoy.
Learning can be fun if it’s something that you are passionate for.” What she said reminds me a
lot of something my Professor had told me in my first semester in NOVA. Hearing her
encouraging words just made me reflect myself as a student, as a child, as a daughter, as a person
in one. Then I look back at what it did to Gabby personally. She was able to keep her passion for
what she loves and able to pursue her profession at a very young age, while attending college.
Gabby mentioned that her profession right now is not something that she wants to do for the rest
of her life, but it is step on completing her future goal because of the many experiences that she
will encounter.
After that heartfelt moment I had with her because of her inspiration saying, there were
questions that I ask that was relevant to what we were discussing. But not only do I want to see
easiness all the time, I also decided to ask her to, “described the challenges that you’ve overcome
as a financial assistant and what did you learned out of those experience.” One of the reason why
I asked that question is because when I had my interview two weeks ago, I was asked the same
question. And for me, when I answered it, I felt like I was being brought back to the situation and
was shown all over again how I feel and how I saw the situation at the time.
So after thinking for about minute or two, Gabby finally answered, “One of the most
toughest challenge that I dealt with and sometimes I’m still dealing with it up until this day is
dealing with challenging people. But then again, in a service business, the customers are always
right. I had to deal with a challenging person and didn’t know how to properly manage the issue.
I had to hand it down to another Co-worker that made it difficult for the customer. Out of this
difficulties, I’ve learned how to better myself to communicate with customers and learn much
more about my company.” Her answered automatically linked me with my communication of
business class. How it is essential to have a good understanding and basic skill of the business
The next question that I ask was, “Does working at this job change your mind about what
you want to do later on down your future?” “Just a little.” For once, I was confused about her
answer because I didn’t expect her to say that. “Working here is not as fun as I thought it would
be, but I tried to make the best out of it. Although I love accounting, I would not want to be stuck
in this position job for the rest of my life. I want to move up. I want to use this experience as a
step up for a better position along down the road.”
After I asked her all the questions, she told me how much she appreciated that I would
take the time to interview her in the profession that she currently hold. She mentioned how she
doesn’t get a lot of opportunity to be interviewed because she already got the job. Nearly towards
the end of the interview, I took a moment to share some of my thoughts on some of the things
that she have said during the interview. I showed how such an encouraging and positive, hard
worker she is.
Out of this experience, the result of the interview went well. It actually went better than
what I expected. I predicted it was just going to be a normal and casual interview just like the
one that I had two weeks ago. As you can probably tell, the question that I’ve asked her was
pretty general and simple, but what made it interesting for me was how well and confident she
responded. Gabby is very wise and intellectually smart in her decision making. She can make the
simplest question to be something memorable. I had a fantastic and enjoyable, yet educated
interview with Gabby. Not only do I learn more about her profession and the company that she
work for, but I also was able to have a great time in expressing what I want and need to know.
The vibe and atmosphere of the room was phenomenal. I feel like th …
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