Expert answer:4-5 pages MLA style

Expert answer:Rewrite and edits all mistakes works in thesis and argument also i attached everything that may need it in this paper please red the attachments carefully use same work cited that in the attachment also make sure to use water names story and page number in the quotations , make sure to use MLA style






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Course Title
18 October 2017
Any Topic (Writer’s Choice)
Lan Samantha Chang’s “Water Names”
Sample Outline
Thesis: The narrator in the Water Names clearly demonstrates her skillful art of how
heritage for long has been used to solve problems bedeviling the society. As in this story,
three sisters who have been constantly squabbling are sitting together to listen to their
grandmother, this demonstrates a central role elders play in the society to bring people
together. The Water Names story shows that oral traditions are significant in uniting the
society and solving social problems to build a formidable community.
Assertion 1
The narrator asserts that elders are the protectors of the heritage and are
knowledgeable about oral traditions. The decision of the author, to have a grandmother sit
down with her granddaughters to tell them stories, paints a clear picture that old people have
knowledge about traditions and their help should always be sought as far as understanding of
heritage is concerned.
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Assertion 2
The narrator suggests that there is a close association between the living
people and their ancestors. The grandmother in this story is seated down with her
granddaughters telling them that their ancestors lived near the river in point in this story.
From this claim, the narrator seeks to insinuate that as far as people, ignore the ancestors they
need to understand that there is still a connection between them and their ancestors.
Assertion 3
The story is established as an oral tradition, where the grandmother, who is a
storyteller, is telling her granddaughters that their ancestors lived in their one thousand years
their ancestors lived near the river to the utter shock of one of the granddaughter.
Assertion 4
The narrator’s allusion to the Himalayas Mountain, river, and the ancestors
communicate heritage and generally how ancestors were part and parcel of the society people
live today.
Lan Samantha Chang’s “Water Names”
Thesis: The narrator in the Water Names clearly demonstrates her skillful art of how
heritage for long has been used to solve problems bedeviling the society. As in this story,
three sisters who have been constantly squabbling are sitting together to listen to their
grandmother, this demonstrates a central role elders play in the society to bring people
together. The Water Names story shows that oral traditions are significant in uniting the
society and solving social problems to build a formidable community.
In the story of “Water Names”, Samantha uses her artistic skills to communicate a
message about cultural heritage. Even though her story is from the perspective of Chinese,
but there is a general message that every society has a cultural heritage. However, the young
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people to some extent may not know much about their heritage and sometimes may not have
much interest in it, but those who are close to old people, like their grandmothers can share
with them their cultural heritage (““Water Names” By Lan Samantha Chang”n.p).
Furthermore, it takes acceptance for the young people to sit down with their elders to be told
stories about their ancestors’ stories. Generally speaking, the story of “Water Names”
communicates cultural heritage, which can be descended to young people through storytelling
by their elders.
The author gives a setting of storytelling, which to some large extent
introduces the audience to oral tradition. Cultural heritage ordinarily has been shared widely
by the word of mouth and grandparents have always taken a lead communicating cultural
heritage. Samantha, in this story through, has creativity makes it possible for one to imagine,
perhaps their past experiences with their grandparents. Sisters are assembling at one point to
listen to their grandmother, but there seems to be a struggle who should sit nearest to their
grandparent. For someone who has ever lived with their grandparents and had been interested
in their stories, they are likely to remember the kind of struggle they had on who should sit
next to their grandparent. In essence, this story is used oral tradition to communicate cultural
heritage, and therefore it is doubtless to mention that Water Names is the story of cultural
There is also an account of ancestors living near the river, and according to the
grandmother featured in the story; they lived there one thousand years ago. “Our ancestors
have lived near the mouth of this river, the ever-changing delta, near a city called Nanjing,
for more than a thousand years (paragraph 5).”By simply mentioning where the ancestors of
the sisters in this story, it justifies that the story is communicated cultural heritage. This is a
grandparent with lots of information about their culture and therefore she acts as a linking
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symbol between the young generation (granddaughters) and their ancestors. Thus, she plays a
crucial role in communicating their cultural heritage and indeed this young generation of her
granddaughters, perhaps in future would have to share the same information at their old age
and that is exactly how cultural heritage is propagated across generations.
There are some accounts of cultural practices that seem to communicate
cultural heritage. The grandmother in this story says to her granddaughter “just to keep up
your Chinese, (paragraph 3). This statement may appear express, but there is an insinuation
of some cultural practices that their grandmother wants her granddaughters to stick to.
Elderly people are champions of cultural practices and in their position; they believe that they
have to tell young people to stick to their cultural practices to preserve that that were
practiced by their ancestors. The daughters, in this case, are not required to remain Chinese,
by appearance or anything associated with that, but the message being communicated here is
that these sisters should continue preserving Chinese cultural practices. Therefore, this
message is strong and it is a proof that Chang, through her artistic skills wants to
communicate a message that the Chinese people have their cultural heritage, where elderly
people must take a lead in educating the young, to stick to it.
There is a personal account, of the grandmother featured in this story, where
she says “When I was young, my own grandmother once told me the story of Wen Zhiqing’s
daughter” (paragraph 8). This statement in itself communicates that elderly people have been
constant at their individual level to share their cultural heritage. Hence, from the above
quote, it is now compelling to state that “Water Names” is a story communicating cultural
heritage, particularly from the Chinese perspective.
In conclusion, Chang in this story raises fundamental cultural issues, which
any sane society pays attention to. In her story, she paints a picture that young people are
critical in the perseveration of cultural heritage and thus the elderly should seize the
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opportunity to talk to the young people. Communicating issues related to cultural heritage to
the young people, even though by word of mouth clearly shows the passing of cultural
heritage to the next generation.
Work Cited
““Water Names” By Lan Samantha Chang.” Web. 18 Oct. 2017. Retrieved from:
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Lan Samantha Chang’s “Water Names”
The narrator in the Water Names clearly demonstrates her skillful art of how heritage
for long has been used to solve problems bedeviling the society. As in this story, three sisters
who have been constantly squabbling are sitting together to listen to their grandmother, this
demonstrates a central role elders play in the society to bring people together. The Water
Names story shows that oral traditions are significant in uniting the society and solving social
problems to build a formidable community.
In the story of “Water Names”, Samantha uses her artistic skills to communicate a
message about cultural heritage. Even though her story is from the perspective of Chinese,
but there is a general message that every society has a cultural heritage. However, the young
people to some extent may not know much about their heritage and sometimes may not have
much interest in it, but those who are close to old people, like their grandmothers can share
with them their cultural heritage (““Water Names” By Lan Samantha Chang”n.p).
Furthermore, it takes acceptance for the young people to sit down with their elders to be told
stories about their ancestors’ stories. Generally speaking, the story of “Water Names”
communicates cultural heritage, which can be descended to young people through storytelling
by their elders.
The author gives a setting of storytelling, which to some large extent introduces the
audience to oral tradition. Cultural heritage ordinarily has been shared widely by the word of
mouth and grandparents have always taken a lead communicating cultural heritage.
Samantha, in this story through, has creativity makes it possible for one to imagine, perhaps
their past experiences with their grandparents. Sisters are assembling at one point to listen to
their grandmother, but there seems to be a struggle who should sit nearest to their
grandparent. For someone who has ever lived with their grandparents and had been interested
in their stories, they are likely to remember the kind of struggle they had on who should sit
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next to their grandparent. In essence, this story is used oral tradition to communicate cultural
heritage, and therefore it is doubtless to mention that Water Names is the story of cultural
There is also an account of ancestors living near the river, and according to the
grandmother featured in the story; they lived there one thousand years ago. “Our ancestors
have lived near the mouth of this river, the ever-changing delta, near a city called Nanjing,
for more than a thousand years (paragraph 5).”By simply mentioning where the ancestors of
the sisters in this story, it justifies that the story is communicated cultural heritage. This is a
grandparent with lots of information about their culture and therefore she acts as a linking
symbol between the young generation (granddaughters) and their ancestors. Thus, she plays a
crucial role in communicating their cultural heritage and indeed this young generation of her
granddaughters, perhaps in future would have to share the same information at their old age
and that is exactly how cultural heritage is propagated across generations.
There are some accounts of cultural practices that seem to communicate
cultural heritage. The grandmother in this story says to her granddaughter “just to keep up
your Chinese, (paragraph 3). This statement may appear express, but there is an insinuation
of some cultural practices that their grandmother wants her granddaughters to stick to.
Elderly people are champions of cultural practices and in their position; they believe that they
have to tell young people to stick to their cultural practices to preserve that that were
practiced by their ancestors. The daughters, in this case, are not required to remain Chinese,
by appearance or anything associated with that, but the message being communicated here is
that these sisters should continue preserving Chinese cultural practices. Therefore, this
message is strong and it is a proof that Chang, through her artistic skills wants to
communicate a message that the Chinese people have their cultural heritage, where elderly
people must take a lead in educating the young, to stick to it.
YourLastName 3
There is a personal account, of the grandmother featured in this story, where
she says “When I was young, my own grandmother once told me the story of Wen Zhiqing’s
daughter” (paragraph 8). This statement in itself communicates that elderly people have been
constant at their individual level to share their cultural heritage. Hence, from the above
quote, it is now compelling to state that “Water Names” is a story communicating cultural
heritage, particularly from the Chinese perspective.
In conclusion, Chang in this story raises fundamental cultural issues, which
any sane society pays attention to. In her story, she paints a picture that young people are
critical in the perseveration of cultural heritage and thus the elderly should seize the
opportunity to talk to the young people. Communicating issues related to cultural heritage to
the young people, even though by word of mouth clearly shows the passing of cultural
heritage to the next generation.
YourLastName 4
Work Cited
““Water Names” By Lan Samantha Chang.” Web. 18 Oct. 2017. Retrieved from:
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Please select ONE of the following two prompts for your first paper:
Steven Millhauser’s “The Invasion from Outer Space”: Argue what this story communicates about humankind’
existence in the universe.
Stronger paper responses to this prompt will logically incorporate these considerations as informed by the story: In wha
does the story discuss expectations? In what ways does it set up the readers’ expectations with various literary elements
where do these expectations derive? What are these expectations, and what happens to these? What in human nature aid
creation of these? What role do we see egocentricity (self-centeredness) and/or anthropocentrism (humankind as center
universe) play in this story? What role might the story’s POV play in this? What kinds of aliens do the characters expec
What is potentially to gain from these aliens? What is potentially to be lost in our connection with them? What kind of
actually invades? What do the characters learn about it? What don’t they learn? What is significant about the alien’s
appearance? What is the style of interaction between the humans and the aliens? What is so disappointing to the charac
about the alien invasion? For what reasons do humans look to outer space? Is it a pursuit of knowledge? Of power? Of
control? Of identity? Of survival? What is “peaceful” at the story’s end (908)? What do you make of the existence of
predetermined roles (identities and [in]actions/reactions) in this story? What effect does the story’s open-ending have o
readers considering the story’s initial exposition and overall plotline? What effect does humankind’s ambiguously impe
annihilation have on our perception of humankind’s existence in the universe?
Lan Samantha Chang’s “Water Names”: Argue what this story communicates about cultural heritage.
Stronger paper responses to this prompt will logically incorporate these considerations as informed by the story: What i
effect of this story’s structure as a frame story? What similarities are there between the characters in the framed story an
those in the frame? What role does place/setting play in this story? From where in China are the granddaughters and the
grandmother descended, and where were the granddaughters born and raised in juxtaposition? What are the differences
between their cultural heritage and their current cultural surroundings? What does this story suggest about the immigran
experience? What does it suggest about both assimilation and retaining cultural heritage? Is there something to be gaine
relocating? Lost? Both? Who keeps the girls’ cultural heritage extant? How? What is the role of storytelling in this narr
Why so much mystery and mysterious imagery in the story? What is withheld from us, and how might that be a stateme
regarding assimilation? What of the presence of discord, separation, unity, and strength in its imagery? What of the stor
title, “Water Names”? What is the role of water in the story, and what are our associations with water? What about the
use of names? Who is named and who isn’t? Is there something being implied in that? What does this story suggest abo
pasts and identity? Place and identity?
•  Change the word “communicates” in the prompt to one more appropriate to your specific argument as needed;
communicate is a very broad term. Example substitutes: warns, informs, proposes, questions, challenges, etc.
•  Capture the appropriate scope for your argument within your thesis statement. Think of your thesis as an umbre
under which all your assertions must be broadly covered—the umbrella cannot be vague, or you have left extra spa
potential assertions alluded to but undeveloped in your paper; the umbrella cannot be too narrow, or you haven’t co
all the assertions your paper argues. Create a thesis that is both broad (expressing the appropriate scope to cover or
encompass your assertions) and specific (detailed in a way that categorizes your assertions, encapsulating their
relationship/connection to each other within the thesis statement without listing them directly).
•  All responses to any of these prompts should attempt to use the elements of fiction as evidence for your assertio
(NOT within your assertions/argument—remember A/E/C structure). It is easy to stick to offering plot and characte
evidence alone, but consider plot structure, language (in the story and in the title), voice, style, setting, POV, and an
significant elements of fiction (juxtaposition, symbolism, allegory, color imagery, tone, etc.) that supports your arg
when you are presenting evidence.
•  Your paper should provide the story’s full context, (generally, briefly, and when appropriate) so the reader kno
what happens in the story from start to end without having read the actual story. Your paper should use the entire sc
the story to prove its argument. This is not to say you must discuss every event or small circumstance in the story. T
to say you must provide enough varied context and evidence that the reader finishes your paper and knows what ge
happens in the story. They should know the most significant parts of the story and how they prove your argument a
YourLastName 2

what the story is communicating.
 If you must use a definition as evidence or context for an assertion, use the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) O
available through FAU’s Library databases. Use EZ-Proxy to log on when off campus. Do not use other dictionarie
(25%): Final Draft: 4-5 pp. (very bottom of 5th p. or onto a 6th p.; work cited on the following page)
•  You must include evidence (direct quotations) from the story you choose to complete this assignment. A paper
without direct evidence will not receive full credit. Only use the story for evidence/support. NO RESEARCH
•  This draft should adhere to all MLA style standards.
•  Submit this assignment in hardcopy. Also submit this assignment through Canvas in .rtf, .doc, or .docx format.
other format can be accepted. You will find the submission link under “Assignments.” It is labelled “Paper One Fin
Draft.” This is being submitted to TurnItIn.
All feedback and grades will be provided on the hardcopies of each assignment.
No feedback or grades will be posted to Canvas.
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Sample Outline — (using Octavio Paz’s “My Life with the Wave”)
The narrator’s limited ability to influence but not tame the wave’s creative and destructive forces suggests the
difficulties encountered by the artist in attempting to master his art and the ultimate limitations upon his abilit
capture reality within in.
Assertion 1:
Established as allegorical art and artist figures, the wave’s surreal dimensions inspire the narrator’s c …
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